Chapter 7

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Chapter 7
Josh's POV

"Maddie! Are you alright?" She looked so fragile, so small, so.... vulnerable. "Yeah Im fine." She wiped a few tears off her face. I saw her wince as her hand brushed her ear. I grabbed her chin lightly and pushed her hair back. When her hair fell behind her shoulder, a blotch of red and purple appeared beneath her jaw line. Paige gasped quietly and Maddie pushed my hand away and ducked her head. "My cat is vicious." Her eyes grew wide at the word 'vicious' for emphasis. I didn't believe her. There's no way Maddie was telling the truth. Did she self harm? It's possible, she always wear long sleeves and never has any energy. I pretended the story had convinced me, but my suspicions remained aroused.

Maddie took a seat on the stiff park bench and pulled a piece of notebook paper out of her red folder. I decided to wait and stay with her although she was dilly dallying and sitting down. I saw the pen in her hand move swiftly along the paper.

"Please excuse Maddie Ziegler from class we had a family emergency,"

She wrote in adult-like cursive, "what's that?" Paige questioned sitting down next to Maddie. Somehow, the coldness of the metal bars beneath the bench didn't seem to bother either of them. "Fake school excuse note," Maddie folded it up and pushed it into her back pocket. She seemed much more relaxed then when I first saw her a few minutes ago, she looked like she was ready to pass out. I wonder if her "attack" had anything to do with the blotch of colors under her jawline. Maddie smiled at Paige, but her hands remained in her lap instead of reaching out to shake my little sisters hand. "You must be Josh's little sister Paige, you're gorgeous!" Maddie's eyes brightened which made a smile fall on my face. Maddie had that effect on people, she was amazing.

My knees ached from standing so I gave in and had a seat next to the girls. I sat on the other side of Maddie and let my hands rest in the back pockets of my jeans. Paige smiled and nodded to accept the compliment. Maddie wasn't lying, Paige had essence of beauty which drew boys to her naturally. However, that made my job as the big brother even harder. "And you must be Josh's girlfriend." Paige teased knowing I didn't have one yet. Not that I haven't been asked, I just have my mind set on the
p e r f e c t girl.

Maddie laughed lightly and blood rushed up to her cheeks making her blush. I felt my cheeks get hot as well. I did like Maddie, a lot actually. Gee that took a while to admit, but I didn't want my little sister ruining things for us.

"Aww! You're both blushing!" Paige giggled and pushed Maddie towards me lightly. Maddie let a small yelp escape her mouth as she fell onto my lap. "You ok Ziegler?" I asked snapping into big brother mode. "I'm so sorry!" Paige said sheepishly, "it's ok, I have a little bruise there that's all." Maddie put a fake smile on her face.

"Here," she handed Paige the school excuse note she faked as Brooke for us. "Thanks Mads!" Paige smiled and shoved it in her boot. Paige ran ahead as we neared the school.

" So how's your parents artwork coming along," she thought for a moment, then took another pause, as if to recall something. I swear I thought I saw a flash of pain strike her face, but I wasn't sure. "They had a big art show last night!" She said with another fake smile, Maddie seemed to get uncomfortable when I mentioned her parents.

We neared the school building and trudged inside for another long day.

A/N: uh oh... Josh is piecing things together, but what?! He likes Maddie. Oh c'mon we all saw it coming ;). 2 favorites to continue! Please help and update your status to promote this story it means a lot!

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