Chapter 14

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Chapter 14
Josh's POV

"Save it Josh," Maddie snapped at me and ran out the door crying. I didn't mean to hurt her, I didn't realize what was coming out of my mouth until I said it!

I sat down on the front stairs and rubbed my head. "Joshy, I'm so sorry" Paige patted my back. I was contemplating whether or not to be bitter with Paige, but decided not to. "I'll see her at school," I sighed and stood up casually and went back into the kitchen to finish eating.

"Are you sure she won't skip?" Paige asked curiously as she threw out Maddie's pancakes. "Maddie knows people would get suspicious, she would only miss school of she were in chronic pain." I said as-a-matter-of-factly. Paige shrugged and grabbed her book bag, "Well off to school we go."

Paige and I headed off in the snow filled streets of Pittsburgh. Usually we walked with Maddie, but we wanted to give her time to cool off.

Paige and I hustled into class and parted at the separation of our hallways. "Bye Josh," she laughed and pushed me aside. "Bye Paige," I pushed her back, but I was still sad. I finally got Maddie and now I lost her already!

I'm an idiot.

I trudged down the hallway and waved to people calling my name or waving at me, so I didn't seem rude. "Hey Josh!" A group of girls batted their eyelashes and twirled their hair around their fingers. I smiled and waved, but then turned toward my locker. "Hey Josh can I have your Science homework?" My buddy Chad leaned against the row of lockers behind him. "Chad..." I whined as I grabbed my books from my locker. A note tumbled to the ground and I bent down to pick it up. Maddie's handwriting laid neatly across the edge reading;


"What's that?" Chad reached for the note in my hands, but I pulled back and held it above him. "I'll give it to you in English," I said answering his question about the Science homework. Chad sulked off into his Band class and I headed to Math, but Maddie wasn't there. I assumed she was running late and sat down to read her note.

"Dear Josh,

I'm debating whether or not I can trust you with a specific secret you're bound to discover. I might not come today, I'm sorry I just don't know. Forgive me.

XOXO Maddie "

I realized the note was from yesterday. That meant Maddie had finally trusted me and I blew it!

"Joshua Hyland?" My teacher called my name for roll and I replied with a hoarse, "Here."

I was a monster. I blew it Maddie would never trust me again! Only 5 people knew her secret and I was a lucky one! Paige, Me, Her stepfather, her mother and of course Maddie knew. I felt awful.

"Madison Zeegler?" My ears perked up at her name. "It's Ziegler and she's absent," I corrected our annoying teacher who hadn't bothered to learn Maddie's real name, when I finally heard silence and knew Maddie wasn't here. Had I really been that awful? Or was something else holding her back?


"What time is it?" Maddie asked carelessly as I pulled out my phone. "6:24" I said plainly, but she was an hour and a half late for dinner. " I gotta go I'm in deep trouble they'll be
drunk and angry when I get home." She hustled to her feet and gave my jacket back to me.

End of flashback

Then it hit me.


"Are you sure she won't skip?" Paige asked curiously as she threw out Maddie's pancakes. "Maddie knows people would get suspicious, she would only miss school of she were in chronic pain."

•End of Flashback

Maddie wasn't absent because she was mad at me. She wasn't here because she went home. To her parents.

A/N: sorry that was short but I figures it was ok because last chapter was over 2 pages long ( 1, 700 words). If you don't understand what just happened comment and I'll explain it's a little confusing you just have to put 2 and 2 together! 10 votes for more (:

Also go tell @paigehylandlove how much we really do care ❤️ thx guys!(:

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