Chapter 15

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Chapter 15
Maddie's POV

I flew out the door in a huff, I knew it. The two people I trusted with my most private valuable secret bailed on me. They abandoned me, they teased me, they hurt me. I let tears run down my face, last night was wonderful. How could things have changed so quickly? How can love transfer into hatred, Oh So quickly?

I ran and ran until the familiar scenery of the neighborhood park came into view. This is where my first memory with Josh was. Tears flew stubbornly down my face as my hand brushed the swing set that he was pushing Paige on.


"Mommy I have t-to t-t-tell you s-something," I stuttered slowly as I jumped onto my mom's lap in the living room. Harry sat in his recliner chair while smoking a cigarette and watching "Deal or No Deal," his eyes perked up with delight at the sight of my fear.

"What is it Madison?" She smiled and stroked my hair softly. My eyes filled with tears, what could I say? I killed your baby girl? I had to approach the scenario as if I were a big kid. I was only 6, but I was under extreme pressure.

"I uh, Kenzie- she um, Mama we lied!" I sobbed into her shoulder softly as she rubbed my back until I let it out enough so I was ready to speak.

"Who lied?" She asked sweetly, understanding how conflicted I felt. "Nia and me, Kenzie didn't drop her princess doll in the street like we said, she was under pressure!" I could hardly make the words out between my sobs. "What do you mean?" She said in a lightly harsher tone. "Nia and I were playing Rippy Skippy, where we look both ways then switch sides while chanting-" I paused and inhaled deeply because the whole story was pouring out of me. "B-but Kenzie wouldnttt p-play and we c-c-called her a b-baby," I managed between sobs of grief. "And sh-she ran withouttt look-k-king and I yelled 'No!' Right before b-but she ran anddd the t-truck-" I broke off because my mom knew the rest.

I was expecting her to thank me for being honest and hug me and tell me I did my best, everything was ok, but she pushed me off her lap angrily and Harry intervened. "So, you killed her baby girl?" Harry read my previous thoughts. "And Melissa, you're gonna let this go? Spank the girl! Slap her! She deserves it she's a murderer!" He went on.

My eyes grew wide and I backed away in fear, "Mommy! No! It was an accident!" I cried, but she swung at my right cheek and the impact was painful. Then she slapped the same cheek and punched my gut. I cried and shriveled into a ball on the floor, my mommy had never hurt me before. Nobody had ever hurt me before.

I stumbled to the door with my face covered in blood. "I'll kill you if you say a word, come back when you can do the laundry." My mom spat angrily.

I limped over to the park where I could be alone. I heard a little girl giggled, "Higher Joshy!" She smiled as a little boy pushed her back and forth. I wasn't expecting company and hid behind the slides. The boy looked at me, he was beautiful, but I just covered my bleeding cheek in fear he'd see. I climbed up the slide and sat alone. "Do you want to come play with us?" The boy called, but I ignored him and cried to myself. He stopped the little girl's swing and grabbed her hand. They went to the edge of the street and he looked back at me in wonder. I uncovered my hand, but he shrugged and walked away. I wiped the blood smeared on my hand on my shirt and cried to myself. That was the beginning of my abuse.

end of flashback

I ran from the park in misery, that was a memory I didn't want to remember.

I finally reached my house and tore through the front door. I was so upset that I had forgotten I was coming home to angry parents. "Madison Nicole Ziegler, get your fucking butt in this living room this instant." I heard Harry call off to me. I froze in fear, I could make a run but that'd be stupid.

I sheepishly walk into the living room and look towards my feet. "Yes Papa," I managed to squeak out in fear. "Where the hell were you?" He yelled loudly. Harry stood in front of the tv with his right knee propped up on the recliner footrest. He held a burning cigarette in his left fingers. He leaned his elbow towards his knee.

Who does he think he his? Indiana Jones?

I turned over possible lies in my head for an answer he would accept.

Hmmm I could say I needed tutoring at school, but he didn't care for school.

I finally decided I could use something relevant to what happened. " I crashed in the laundry room last night," I quietly murmured.

"Liar!" He slapped me across the face. "I'm not lying!" I yelled back, but that was a big mistake.

"Don't you talk back to me you little bitch!" He slapped me again, but harder. "Where's Mama?" I felt tears run down my face quickly as I rubbed the cheek he had just hit. "Your Mama ain't home yet." He spat into my face.

"Go get the laundry then off to school," his eyes looked into my soul and saw my fear. He lifted his cigarette and pushed it into my cheek. I screamed at the burning sensation and ran downstairs to get the laundry. I squeaked as I opened the door and uncovered an unpleasant surprise. The whole white load had turned green.

I shuffled the clothes into my arms and brought them up to Harry. He got mad at the sight of his white shirts, green.

He hauled me to the porch by grabbing my hair and tugging it. "Madison Ziegler what color is that tree?" He pointed to the tallest evergreen we had in the yard. "G-g-green," I stammered. "And what fucking color is my work shirt?" He held it into my face, still holding my by my ponytails. "Green," I squeaked as he threw me down into the snow. "I'll be inside watching you, when you climb that tree." He motioned to the tall evergreen.

He knew I would freeze out in the snow, all I wore was my light jean button up shirt over my tank top and a pair of leggings.

I stumbled over to the tree and saw Harry watching, this might very well be the end of my life. I sobbed for a moment.

My life was awful.

But if I could climb this tree with ease, maybe Harry would lay off because he'll see how tough I am. I can take on anything!

I lifted my hand hastily towards the first branch. I pulled myself up, but a burning sensation burst through my forearms and I let go and fell to my feet.

I saw a picture of Josh in gym class doing pull ups, in my head. He looked perfect, but I suddenly got angry. If he thought he could do anything, then I can. After all I put up with beatings daily, I could do this.

Josh is a jerk.
Josh is a jerk.
Josh is a jerk.

I spoke to myself in my mind as I hauled myself up the first few branches. I shivered in the cold, but kept on going.

Josh doesn't care
Josh doesn't care
Josh doesn't care

I continued to anger myself as I pulled myself up many more branches.

Josh is the problem
Josh is the problem
Josh is the problem

I was so close to the top of the tree, but the wind was blowing and my teeth wouldn't stand still, and they chattered on. I saw there were two long branches left. I looked back down and realized I was at least 15 feet above ground. I saw Harry with an angry expression in the window. I knew I was beating him so I turned around happily. I reached for the second to last branch, but let go of the previous branch too soon and tumbled down the tree. I screamed in fear, but heard a roar of laughter from the house.

I felt my back hit a branch directly below the top where I slipped. Gravity pushed me over and I fell and hit yet another branch. After a series of bumping branches continuously, I was free falling off the side until my arm hit the ground and my back landed on top of it. I would have rolled over in pain, but everything went black.

A/N: 10 votes to go on, but I feel like this is an awful fanfic should I continue?

Abused - a Maddie Ziegler Dancemoms / Dance Moms FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now