Okazaki Shinichi

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Seven days went by since Ami was hospitalized, Shin had been by her side since. Ami's smile grew brighter everyday, even despite the chaos with the medias. Ami stared outside the window, the view of a park; families,lovers,friends were gathered there and Ami can't help but let out a sigh.

"Hey Ami-chan!"

The door flew open and the Nana's gang came in with flowers and snacks.

"You guys...."

Ami beamed at the sight of her friends, but instantly place her index finger in front of her lips to hush them and points at Shin who was sound asleep on the chair with his head pillowing her thigh. Nobu was tempted to sneak up on him and scare him but he backed up when Ami notice's his mischievous look, she gave him a warning glare.

"So how are you feeling?"

Nana asked holding her hand and taking a seat next to window on the opposite side of Shin. Ami gave her a sheepish smiled and look down, feeling a bit ashamed.


"Honestly better now that he's here"

She continued, looking at the sleeping Shin with such love in her eyes. The guys noticed and let out a sigh of relief.

"I'm glad that you guys are here too...i apologize for causing so much trouble for the past few months even though we haven't met since high school"

Ami said looking at each one of the Blast's members; they look back at her with a smile and nods. Ami was finally acting like the Ami they knew and it was a relief that the pure kind heart Ami they knew was still there inside, she was finally free from being forced to be strong in this kind of world. Ami never felt such bliss in a long time and she prayed in her heart that it will last as long as it can.

"You have nothing to apologize for"

Everyone was surprised to hear Shin talk, his eyes was still closed; but his eyes fluttered open and his expression was as usual.

"He's right...you had a tough year and its totally not your fault"

Yasu spoke up, agreeing with Shin. But Ami still felt guilty but smiled and nod anyway. They spent a few hours chatting idly, Shin never left her side and his hands never let go of Ami's. Just when Ami feel happier and laughing more to Nobu's jokes, a knocked on the door silenced all of them and the cheerful atmosphere changed into a tensed ones when a neatly dressed man in his late 40's steps inside.

"Miss Yanagi...i'm attorney Yoshida Noboru from Kuro Mizuki Lawfirm"

The man, Noboru gave Ami his card. Yasu stepped forward taking a look at the card; Noboru's expression was all business like.

"I would like to represent you in court-"

His words cut off by Nana, she was confused.

"There's was no suing anyone in the first place...was there?"

Nana look over to Ami, which she shook her head 'no'.

"Well...there wasn't but let me rephrase that"

He cleared his throat and look at Ami straight in the eyes.

"As an attorney, i recommend Yanagi Nanami-san to sue your manager, Tsuge Hideaki for assaulting and embezzlement."

His voice was booming with confident that put us all in silence. Until Yasu stepped in to say as a Lawyer in training.

"You said embezzlement....what do you mean by that?"

This time Ami decided to speak up.

"Tsuge....stole half of my pay and made it as if it was the only amount i would get. I found out after i went to re check my contract with the company and found out that I've only received half of it."

Yasu thought for awhile before nodding.

"And where did you say you knew about this?"

Yasu questioned the attorney, he didn't like it as his tensed after being suspiciously questioned.

"I have represented some of his victims before but it was never gotten into court and was settled by compensation money by the company and hopefully i would like to get this guy behind bars and i need your help to do so"

He said, Ami was obviously shocked by the word 'victims' and felt scared. Her grip tightens when Shin looks at her with concern.

"i...i'll think about it"

After an hour he left, one by one the guys left for their next job leaving the two alone once again. 

" you should sue him"

The words came out of his mouth sounded so tense with anger and disgust. You could see the murderous look on his face when he remembers his face. Ami places her hands on both of his cheeks forcing him to look at her in the eyes, she was smiling so warmly that it melts every anger and frustration that he had at that moment.

"I'm fine... I'm alive now aren't I?"

She was so convincing that it breaks his heart more from guilt.

"I... know but I should've noticed. He was hitting you"

His voice was shaking and his eyes was watering. Ami look at him painfully and pulled him closer to comfort him, placing kisses from on top of his head to his cheeks and finally his lips.

"When you were around, I made sure the bruises were all gone. That's why I was avoiding you...it nots your fault"

Just then they heard noises outside the room,the reporters. Shin stood up looking normal as if he wasn't almost crying a minute ago.

"Stay here, I'll go see what's happening"

Ami nodded before Shin went out the door. True enough, they were nurses and doctors calming the reporters and a few security guards to keep them away from near the room.

"Is Yanagi Nanami-San is okay? Why did she try to kill herself?"

"Rumours are saying that she has been mistreated by the manager, is that true?"

"Doctor! Can you comment on what happened?"

Question was shooting from left to right, the doctors barely able to keep them at safe distance. But the questions were so unfair that the anger inside Shin came up to the surface and he made his way to the reporters, just when the reporters noticed who is; new questions were thrown at him.

"You're Okazaki Shin of Blast, are you involved in this situation?"

"Are you and Nanami dating?"

"What is your relationship with her?"

Shin took a moment to look at every reporter in the eye, they shrunk under his intense gaze.

"Ami and I has been a long time friends since I was little, she was like an older sister... she is always the one who was my hero. But now, as her lover... I have failed her. Right now I would like you all to understand and leave for today as Ami continues to heal. We promise that in a few days after she able to go home, we'll do a proper press conference on this matter"

The noise and chaos from before turns into dead silence. Everyone was taken aback by his honest and sincere words. He was once the quiet bad boy that everyone loves, and now he is a man standing up for his girlfriend in front of all the people and even made public of their relationship.

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