Rendezvous Two

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"Are we... in Disneyland?!"

Shin was shock to see the Disneyland written at the entrance, Ami couldn't help but smiled.

"You're too loud you big dummy"

Ami pulled him down to shut him up with a kiss, which surprised him more. Ami laughs and she had that usual mischievous look on her face.

"Hurry up or we'll get caught!"

Shin realized he was standing in front of the gate and there was quite a lot of people despite being a weekday. When he walk inside he couldn't find Ami, he look around a softly calling out to her. She only came out of a building office a minute later, she placed something around his wrist; it was a golden VIP ticket.

"How did you get this?"

She put her index finger to her lips and winked. His heart suddenly started to race in excitement.

"Come on let's go onto the roller coaster!!"

She was smiling so brightly that Shin couldn't look away, It was a long time since he sees her smiling like that and he's trying his best to keep her smiling that way longer. He didn't even protest when Ami wanted to go on to the every thrill rides there. But he knew that it was her way to scream her sorrows out, she even scream loudest when they were on the Viking ride. It was almost sunset when they decided to end the day by riding the Ferris wheel last. The view was beautiful, they could see the whole park. But Shin was distracted by how the sunset illuminates her eyes and skin; she was beautiful. When she notices him staring she blushes and smiled sheepishly.

"Hey, you're missing the view"

Suddenly Shin's eyes soften as if he was thinking something from the past, it was a mix of sadness and relief. He leans closer, until the ride make an abrupt stop making him stumble towards and his lips touches hers. They kissed until Ami pulled away to catch her breath and smiled, the sun completely gone now and only the park's light and the moonlight was lit; but they can clearly seen each others flushed cheeks.

"What was that for?"

Ami laugh nervously, looking at him meekly. It stirred something inside Shin but he kept it in because he remembered where they are and it'll be a trouble if they get caught. But as soon as they reach the bottom, a dozen of cameras flashes into their faces. Fans scream and yelling their names in excitement. Shin instinctively step in front of her as a shield, holding her hand, he looks around for an opening. But he only found a way when securities came in to their rescue and pulled them out of the crowd. All of their fun abruptly ended when they saw Yasu at the entrance with the van; it was chaos, the paparazzi were trying to get a good shot while the fans also trying to get a good look. With the whole security team holding them back, guilt hit them both in the stomach.

"Yasu, I'm sorry I didn't expect-"

"Get in"

His tone was stern, they couldn't tell if he was angry with all the flashing in their faces. But they knew they'll get In big trouble, especially Shin; Ami worry if Shin will get scolded from Nana and others, even though it was her idea. But when they arrived back at the hotel room, someone else was there. Ami's fear was much worst when she recognized who it was, the lady strut towards Ami; who were froze in the entryway. They couldn't read her expression but Ami seems to know as she took a step back with fear shown on her face. The lady raised her hand, Ami flinched and shut her eyes. But the hit never came, when Ami opened her eyes; she saw Shin holding the lady by the wrist, stopping her from hitting Ami.


The lady look at Shin with full of hatred and brushed off his hand.

"Nanami, this is not what we agreed"

The lady said sounding a bit disappointed, Ami avoided eye contact and look away.

"It's none of your business..."

Ami said, glaring slightly. The lady look at her, hurt by her words but she sighs and pulled Ami into a hug.

"You're right... but you're my niece. You should've at least told me"

Her breathing got shaky and her eyes were moist. Ami feel so much guilt she couldn't look at her aunt directly.

"Aunt Risa, if I did tell... what could you do?"

Risa thought for a bit and hug her niece tighter.

"But you promise.... you said you just wanted to sing not this!"

She said, referring to her relationship with Shin.

"Don't bring him into this! I didn't plan to fall in love and it wasn't any of his fault"

Ami said standing between Shin and Risa. Her aunt look at both of them with uncertainty, she clenched her fist.

"Sorry to interrupt but we have a bigger problem to deal with"

Yasu said, referring to Ami's case; Shin let out a breath that he didn't even notice he was holding. Risa let out a sigh and her face softens, she smiled at her niece weakly.

" long as you're sure about everything"

Ami smiled instantly pulling her aunt into another hug and reassure her once again. After that Yasu asked her aunt to leave for the day as they had to discuss about the situation. They didn't realized that their little rendezvous was a tiny speck of happiness in the part of a bigger nightmares to come. When Yasu brought in the lawyer she met in the hospital, she instantly knew something was wrong.

"Nanami, you might and might not expected this but...we heard from your company's representative that they're going to forcefully terminate your contract and if this goes out to the public....your image and your reputations might fall"

The words that came out of his mouth felt like a dozen of bricks just dropped on top of Ami's shoulders and she felt like suffocating.

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