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"And for once again, I beg all of you to think this plan through again. Let's not forget that Prompto came up with it." Ignis tried to change his friends' mind for the thousandth time, but of course it was in vain.

 "Ignis, we're right outside the gates! What makes you think that we have time to think the plan through again?" Noctis half-whispered, preparing to play his part, just as planned.

 "After all, my plans are always awesome." Prompto smiled to himself, earning a slap to the back of his head from Gladio. "Let's not discuss this." he commented.

 "Shh!" Noctis hushed all of his friends. "Stick to the plan!" He reminded them and summoned his blade. " goes." He took a deep breath and threw his blade across the castle walls, wishing that nobody would be around to notice a sword flying in the garden out of nowhere. Noctis clenched his eyes shut for a few seconds, but thankfully there was silence.

 "Okay, so either nobody saw it, or we just killed the guard." Prompto commented.

 "Hopefully the first." Gladio added before they all took their positions. All of the made sure to hold onto Noctis who warped inside the castle with a quick move. Prompto's head was spinning, he hated it when he warped along with Noctis. "I think i'm gonna throw up..." He placed his gloved hand over his mouth. 

 "No!" Ignis glared at his young friend. "You stick to the plan! The plan didn't say anything about throwing up!" He scolded in a half-whisper, scaring the blonde boy.

 "I'm good." He assured specs, fake smiling at him.

 "Alright, now for phase two." Noctis turned to the other three. "You all remember your parts right?" He was getting a little anxious, but he trusted his three friends and knew they wouldn't mess this up. At least, he guessed they wouldn't mess it up. 

No, nope

They'd totally mess everything up.

 "You can count on us!" Prompto thumbed up and the prince furrowed his eyebrows in fear, at least he would have time to see her before they blew up their cover. "Don't forget, that's her room." The blonde pointed at the balcony above them. They had managed to find a map of the castle and with a little bit of thought, and maybe luck, they had guessed that the princess' room was that one. 

Noctis nodded and prayed to Eos in his head before summoning his blade for once again. "Just... do your thing." He said before throwing his blade to the princess' balcony and warping over there.

He took a deep breath, feeling his heart beat like crazy in his chest. He had never felt like that before. Right before him was the room of the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, and he was about to meet her for once again. He licked his thin lips and fixed his clothes before slowly opening the balcony door, which thankfully was unlocked. He took a last look behind him, wishing that his friends wouldn't manage to inform everyone in the castle that they had sneaked in.

 He entered the room which was dimly lit, the princess was probably asleep. He saw her bed and a figure which was hidden by the covers, rising and falling with the rhythm of her breathing. He smiled as he moved towards her, holding out his arm to wake her up. His gloved hand was right above her, when he suddenly heard a loud snore, which caused him to flinch and jump back. His eyebrows instantly dropped, wondering what the heck was going on.

 The princess couldn't be the one snoring so loudly, right? He took a step closer to the bed once again when the figure removed the covers and a sleeping, plump lady appeared. Her hair was short and curly, her sleeping from not the best sight for a prince who was looking for his beautiful princess. She snored loudly, Noctis cringing at the sound. He looked for a way out and once he targeted the door, he rushed towards it.

 But, just his luck! 

The door was locked!

 He smacked his forehead with his hand, swearing to himself that he would kick Prompto's ass when they returned to the castle.  "Princess' room my ass." He growled under his breath before taking a deep breath and started looking around for the key. "If I were a key, where would I be?" He questioned himself, when his eyes suddenly fell on the snoring woman's neck. She had the key on as a necklace, around her thick throat.

Noctis just wanted to stab himself for getting into such a situation, but instead he breathed in and out.

 "Just... take the key. Yeah, take the key." he tried to ease his nerves and took slow, trembling steps towards the sleeping woman. He gulped as he stretched his arm to grab the key and he was almost there, when she suddenly turned her back to him, scaring him almost to death.

 He clenched his chest with his hand, his heart about to explode. "You've got to be kidding me!" He whispered angrily, biting his lower lip. He took another breath before going in for another try, slowly and steadily. His slender fingers felt the cold material of the key on their tips, slowly snaking around it and with a quick move, he snatched it off of her neck. He breathed out the breath he held all that time, making his way to the locked door.

 He tried to be as silent as possible while he unlocked the wooden door, opening it and finally exiting that torture room. He tried to steady his breathing, as he hid in the dark hallway. Suddenly, he heard a very familiar voice.

 "You really should go rest, Lightning." The voice of the very woman he was looking for said, letting out a soft chuckle afterwards.

"Are you sure, princess?" A deep female voice questioned.  Noctis looked towards the source of the voices and saw two figures standing in the other end of the hallway, the only light coming from the room behind the princess.

"Yes, you need your rest. And I shall be calling it a day in a few, so you don't have to worry." Irene assured her guard, who nodded at her.

 "As you wish. Have a good night, my lady." she wished and turned towards Noctis, walking down the hallway.

 Noctis held his breath, wishing that he would not be spotted in the dark corridor. Lightning walked towards the stairs that laid a few feet away from the prince, and right before she walked to the lower floor, she suddenly turned towards the prince. He felt his heart in his throat, feeling as if her eyes were throwing daggers at him. But, as it turned out, she had not seen him. She simply turned away and left to her own personal room. The prince sighed in relief. This surely was a night to remember. 

 He made sure that a few seconds passed before he finally made his way towards the princess' actual room, which was two balconies away from the one Prompto had sent him. He stood right before the door, and once he had gathered all of the courage he needed, he softly knocked on it.

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