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"Are you feeling better, princess?" The pink haired woman questioned as she removed the worn out bandages from the princess' arms.

"Yes, I feel much better. Thank you for looking after me, Lightning." The young girl softly smiled at her guard, the tips of her fingers tracing along her almost healed scars.

 "It is my duty, lady Irene." The woman replied, tossing the old bandages away.

"I know but..." The princess licked her lips. "You're also a friend, not only a guard. And that means a lot." She explained and connected her orbs with aqua ones, seeing that the guard's gaze had softened.

 "I..." She began. Lightning Claire Farron was never good when it came to expressing her feelings. She got lost in all the things she wished to say, always ending up saying nothing at all.

Irene chuckled at the flustered woman.

"You don't need to push yourself, Light." She assured her. "This says it all." She girl raised her arm, showing the silver bracelet that rested around her left wrist, a heart and a lightning hanging from it.

 Lightning held out her own arm, tracing her fingers across her similar bracelet. The guard had made sure to buy these as a symbol of friendship on Irene's fifteenth birthday and they had been wearing them since. The woman smiled, Irene was so sincere. Even after everything she had been through, her heart remained so pure and full of love for everyone and everything.

 Lightning was thankful that the princess had managed to remain sane even after being locked in the palace all these years. She had noticed though, ever since she got associated with the young prince, her mood had been lifted dramatically. And the guard was very glad about that. Even though him and his friends had broken in the first time, making her think of them as a bunch of troublemakers, right now she was taking a liking on the prince -maybe not as much on his friends-.


The familiar snow white kitten indicated her presence as she climbed on the bed beside the princess.

"Seems like you've got mail." The guard teased in her deep voice, lacing her arms above her chest.  Irene unwrapped the envelope from Lou's neck, taking the letter that rested inside in her delicate hands. It smelled of lilac flowers, indicating that it was from the prince. But, who else could it even be from?

Dear Irene,

I deeply apologize for not being able to see you for the last few weeks, but I have been caught up with royal matters. How have you been, my butterfly? I must admit that I have missed you dearly.

I promise to see you as soon as possible, giving that I have to depart from Lucis soon. There is a matter we should discuss, I cannot bring myself to leave you out of this

I shall explain everything in person. Until then, be safe. For me.

Yours sincerely,

Irene licked her lips as she read the scattered words, before eyeing her guard.

"Is something the matter, princess?" The pink haired woman asked, realizing that her friend didn't have the happy expression she had after every letter she received from the prince.

 "I'm afraid so. Noctis says that he will leave Lucis, and there is something he needs to tell me. I simply hope he is alright." The girl held the letter against her chest and sighed.

"We will soon know, so don't wear yourself out right now. You need to rest, your burns have not healed completely yet." The guard spoke before standing straight and fixing her clothing. "I shall leave you to it then." She announced and made her way out of the room. The princess sighed for yet once again, pouring as she gazed at the wall.

 "What is the matter, Noctis?" She wondered outloud, worrying that she would soon lose her dearest friend.


The young prince knocked on the familiar balcony glass door, which almost instantly opened to welcome him inside. He smiled at the girl, but it was obvious that his smile was not the same as every other time. She wrapped her thin fingers around his wrist, dragging him deeper in her room.

 "You're here!" She exclaimed, feeling a wave of relief inside her. Noctis didn't speak, but instead he wrapped his arms around the female, engulfing her in a loving embrace. Irene wasn't a stranger to Noctis' sudden bursts of affection but that didn't mean she also was used to it. "Are you alright, Noct?" She softly asked as she caressed his back lovingly. 

The boy sighed as he buried his face in her neck, inhaling her scent of roses.

He then pulled away from her arms, and proceeded in sitting on the bed, pulling the girl beside him. He held her hands in his, tracing random patterns on her pale skin.

"I have something to tell you, Irene." He finally spoke, the princess all ears to hear anything he had to say. He licked his thin lips and connected his orbs to hers. "I already informed you that I will be leaving Lucis." he began. "It... did not appear to be my choice, though. You see, my father..." He stopped, not finding the right words to express his thoughts. 

"The king, he has... He has made a decision. A decision to... wed me to the Oracle." His voice got lower as he spoke the last words.

The princess' lips were parted when she heard the announcement, feeling her heart skip a beat at that. "What... What do you mean?" She asked, a hope in her heart still alive.

He took a breath and continued.

"It is a matter of... politics. A deal to keep Lucis safe. And I'm caught in the middle of following my duty and... being with the one I truly love." Irene's eyebrows furrowed, not realizing what the boy meant.

 "What are you saying?" She leaned closer to him.

 "Irene, I..." He cupped her cheeks in his hands. "This may sound crazy but...

...I think I might love you, Irene."

Flower • Noctis Lucis CaelumWhere stories live. Discover now