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Kale's PVO :)
Jack looks really cute I thought to my self. We had just finished parking and were walking into this huge building that was abandoned, mostly used for the biggest party's of the year. You could tell it was already crazy with all the loud music and voices you could here pouring out.

( convo between all of them R-Reagan J-Justin K-kale JW- jack )
J: I'm ready to pop and lock
K: is bootyblake visiting *laughing
R: oh no *sarcasm
JW: well the guest will be entertained
They all laugh as they enter the party full of people and music , drinks. They all hit the dance floor!

Reagan's PVO:)
The Dj here great! I yell cause of course the music is SOO loud you could turn deaf. I look over to catch Justin dropping it in his stripper fashion. I also see kale and jack looking at each other like there about to full on make out and for some odd reason I find this hilarious, meaning I full on burst out laughing. Which of course breaks their stare down and mind romance. I can see both of them full on blushing bright red. I say I'm sorry and ask jack if he wants to get help me get punch for all of us, which of course he says yes.

Justin's PVO:)
I hear Reagan yell that him and jack are getting punch. Which is probably mixed with some stuff I'm not gonna try and name the possibilities.i scream okay back as I see them weave through people. I see kale next to me and we start dance like no ones watching. I am really into the music when I hear kale make a noise next to me...

Kale's PVO :)
I'm dancing right, and then this guy grabs my waist and I say hey don't touch me. He laughs at this and says your feisty I like that. K- kale
G- guy ( you'll find his name out )
K- I have a boyfriend
G- am I suppose to care
K- leave me alone
G- ( grabs kale's waist again)
K- I said leave me alone ( try's to push the guys hand off)
G- ( leans in to kiss kale)
At that moment Justin grabs the guys arm and try to pull it off me. I'm squirming around , but man this guy is strong. The guy yells Robert and some guy grab Justin and holds him back as the guy is getting closer to actually kissing me. I start yelling for jack but of course the music is too loud.

Jacks PVO:)
Reagan and I were getting punch and I turned around hoping to see kale doing something funny or hot but instead I see rick trying to kiss him !! I'm so mad everything is red . I grab Reagan and see him get the look of pure anger on his face as he see Robert holding Justin as he too is trying to kiss. Ugh ! I'm so frustrated 😠 I think to my self

Reagan's PVO:)
So jack taps my arm and I see Robert holding Justin and man did my head come up with ideas fast. Before I can even get a sentence out jack is walking fast towards them which I follow. We get over there and I hear Justin saying stop ! I have a boyfriend .
K-kale  Jdb- Justin J- jack R -Reagan
R-rick Rb-Robert
J- let go of him ( clenching his fist)
R- so this is your boyfriend .( laughing )
K- get off me already
R- release him
J- yeah let go of me ( Reagan has this look on his face like move your hand anywhere it shouldn't be and oh boy)
Rb- (just laughs )
R- clears his throat ( bringing all the attention back to him) I know how to fix this * evil smile

Ooooo cliffhanger 😂 ( at least I hope you like it enough it is)

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