I was tagged

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I was tagged by no one other than greaserbabes ! (Love her to death)❤️️So guess who's doing 15 facts about them self.  
1. My favorite color is green

2. I have an obsession with shipping freaking everything ! I love all relationships and tend to create them 😂

3. My worst fear is dying alone.
I mean not getting married and having kids , I'm afraid of dying with no one but my family loving me. * not going to lie this one was hard to write because it personal and has become a extremely bad problem that effects me more and more
4. I'm a girl ! I'm 14 ,

5. This is kinda a weird one but I'm not a person you would expect to be so fan girly. I just a confusing human ! I am mostly know for my athletics. I do a lot of sports and I do them pretty well. But I also do drama club , golf , sewing, book stuff and I am full heartedly a fan girl 💞

6. My favorite ship is spitfire. I FLIPPIN love them to death !

7. My favorite quote is "the problem is not the problem, the problem is the attitude of the problem~ jack sparrow

8. I run cross country and track! My average mile is 6:20! My first practice of the season in track I ran my 400 meters in 1:10

9. I'm pro LGBT

10. I can speak Italian and sign language, I can speak common phrases in Japanese, Chinese , French

11. I'm blonde , green eyes , light freckles on my nose ( I'll share a photo one day )

12. I love puns

13. My favorite number is 8!

14. I have played soccer, basketball, swim , dance , horse back riding , gymnastics, violin, piano, softball, you name it I've done it and I play volleyball rn

15. As you may have guessed I have writers block bad right now and I can't handle how bad it makes me feel cause I love every single one of you if I get a single read or comment I smile from ear to ear and I want to talk to every single one of you , become friends !

Finally my nominations are
RazzlezBeast <-- had to guys

I love all of you and remember you're handsome or beautiful , amazing and your loved ! I will work on my writer block I promise I've been trying and if you guys every wanna talk just Dm me ! * I've got time ❤️️

Jeagan ❤️ jale Where stories live. Discover now