Well crap

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Guess who got tagged again 😁 by no one other than greaserbabes which by the way you guys should really follow her she's the best writer I know and an amazing person !
Okay so this hashtag (I haven't typed or said that in forever 😂) is #keepdreaming which is were you list 3 fictional characters you have a crush on 😅
1. Wally west Gosh dang it I flippin love him  so yes he's going on here
2. Johnnyboy cause I can't pick between Johnny and pony cause well lets be honest here their both cute and there personalities are top notch
3. Adrien agreste I can't help it anyone who shares a love for puns makes my list

This is just the  tip of this ice burg I could go on about each of them for hours and I have WAY  more fictional character crushes.

I tag
To do the #keepdreaming 

While I have your guys attention could you guys comment some story ideas I want to start another book but I'm not sure what about and I would love to know what you guys want to read and think I would be good at. Thanks 💕

Jeagan ❤️ jale Where stories live. Discover now