Morning ?

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Justin's PVO:)
Reagan's pulling me on as we head to the car the moment reach the door he shoves me right in and I pass out. Of course though the drugs have to give a crazy dream.
Justin's dream;)
I'm in a room that's all black till a huge flash out lights blinds me for a minute till I'm in the forest as I begin to walk around I realize there's people up ahead! I start sprinting towards them, hoping it's my friends. I approach kale,Reagan, jack, Danny, tish. All of my friends and my boyfriend. I smile as they wave. I wave back and notice Danny has a picnic basket. I laugh a happy laugh as we walk towards a field full of purple flowers and sunshine. We sit down and start to enjoy our meal. I can hardly believe how beautiful this place is and how hotttt Reagan looks. I want me a piece of that. Damm I whisper to my self. I reach out to kiss Reagan and he smirks but leans on to kiss me. I close my eye slowly and wait for our lips to meet. I feel a sudden wind and open my eyes to slip and fall into a black hole. I scream and scream and reopen my eyes to the same forest only it's duller less alive and happy as before. I walk the same path hoping their all still there. I see them up ahead only there not smiling and waving to me. they're talking and laughing to each other. I yell hey guys and wave. Only they don't respond and start to walk towards the field. I run to catch up. As they reach the field I reach them. We all sit down and I say hey why didn't you guys wait for me. Except they don't answer some girl I don't know says babe what type of sandwich do you want? I see Reagan turn his head and smile his amazing smile and answer PB & J. I watch as Reagan takes the sandwich and kiss the girl in the cheek. My eye grow wide and the forest fades to black as everything disappears and only Reagan and the girl are visible. The girl puts her hands on Reagan's neck and begins to pull him towards her. I know there about to kiss and I can tell it won't be a quick peck. I start to yell Reagan ! Reagan! I love you ! Please! He doesn't hear me. They disappear and I'm all alone sitting in the darkness sobbing. I feel my eyes jolt open...

Kale's PVO:)
I stare at jacks butt not fully on purpose as we walk in the direction of the car. I notice him turn and peek at me and smirk as he see were my eyes are focused. He opens the car door and I slid in. Almost immediately I fall asleep. You guessed it I have the weirdest dream ever!

(Okay so kale's dream is really really weird 😂 I like writing funny messed up stuff)

Kale's dream ;)
I'm in a tree and I feel the breeze I look down and see that I'm a leaf ! I look up and scream HELL YEAH! I began swaying back and forth. Until I find that my stem is loose. I start to panic and watch as the grass starts to get closer and closer. I close my eyes right before I hit the ground. I slowly open my eyes and realize I'm a leaf it didn't hurt. I laugh like people do when they live after near death experiences. I start yelling at the tree I was on ha! You though I was gonna die and I didn't you wanna go ?! CATCH THESE HANDS !!!
I'm about to yell some profanities until I hear someone say why are you yelling at that tree? I turn and see a ton of leafs. All having a voice of each of my friends . I soon discover that they are my friends ! I say how are you all still here ? They laugh and say we are safe down here . For some odd reason music starts and we all being dancing by swaying around and spinning like helicopter seeds. I couldn't be happier. I look over and see jack leaf and begin moving towards him. Just as I'm about o reach him another leaf yells human hide! I look up and see a figure leaning down reaching for jack. I yell but it's no use he's grabbed and the person says look at this leaf it's perfect ! I start screaming and hyperventilating. I try and use the wind to keep up with the lady as she walk off with jack but it's ok use I fall and close my eyes as the tears flow faster. I abruptly sit up...

Reagan's PVO:)
We are almost home when I look in the mirror to check on Justin. Only to see him sweating and breathing unevenly.
I turn quickly and see his face slowly turn fro. Confusion to worry and terror. I hope we get home soon so I can comfort him even if he is asleep. I turn back just as he starts yelling ! Jack urns little into the other lane because it got him off guard. My eyes widen with Horror as i see another car coming towards us. Jack moves the car back into are lane like it was nothing (you thought there would be a car crash didn't you 😏) I snap back into reality and begin to try and climb into the back to help Justin. I reach him and start to panic what do I do I yell. I try and think but I start to realize he's yelling my name ? Why is Justin yelling my name and why does he sound terrified? I start to hug him only he jolts awake an I see his eyes see ah every were till they find my face. He looks at me with tears pouring and wide scared eyes. I grab him and pull him close he sobs till he falls asleep again from lack of energy. I hope and pray we get home soon..,

Jack's PVO:)
I'm driving right and Justin's starts yelling his head off and I swerve a little, no big deal I pull the car back to our lane and continue driving. I watch out o the Conor of my eye Reagan climb in the back and some how get Justin quite. We are almost home I say to Reagan and he nods. We pull into the drive way. I see Reagan carry Justin wedding style into Reagan's house. I turn around to help kale in only he's out cold so I pick the damm leaf up and carry him inside to my room and lay him down. I go into my bathroom to brush my teeth and I'm mid rinse when I hear kale yelling and screaming ! I run out yelling what's wrong ? I slide in to see kale having a nightmare. I rush over and start to whisper it's okay it okay and he's clams down slowly and starts to breath evenly. I let out a sigh of relief and lay down next to kale. Man I can't wait till the morning.

Okay guys I did my best I know theirs chapters questionable but I love you guys ❤️❤️ I updated on Friday as I said and I can only hope this is chapter is acceptable 😅💕

P.s thanks for all the love and reads ❤️💚💙💛💜

P.s.s special thanks to corrina 😘
Bootyblake hand shake 💕

P.s.s thanks to all you guys who comment and vote I honestly can't thank you enough. You the people who let me be me and I couldn't ask for a better audience.

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