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Jack's PVO:)
Rick says he can fix this and Im worried, but I swear if he hurts kale he will have just dug his own grave. I grit my teeth as I watch him pull out a bag and smile. He laughs and says this bag has a type of mixture in it that when sniffed or put in a drink pretty much any contact with it will make someone super loopy he says with a grin. he obviously doesn't want to tell exactly what this "mixture" totally a drug'can do I think to my self.

Kale's PVO:)
Jesus the guy has drugs in him I would eye roll if he wasn't to close for comfort I say in my head. Before I can even react he's got the bag under my nose and of course I'm breathing so guess who gets the stuffs smell in his nose. All of the sudden my head kinda hurts , but then again now it doesn't it kinda feels fuzzy. Rick lets go of my arm and I wanna run over to jack but my body doesn't move instead I say rickyyypooo do you wanna a hug from da leaf . I'm screaming in my head but then again my head right know doesn't do squat.

Justin's PVO:)
I watch as kale says in a really weird accent "rickypoo you want a hug from da leaf" ugh great rick Just drugged kale and now he's gonna be hard to get home good thing he's sleeping over or that would be hard to explain to his parents. Rick laughs and says of course leaf. Kale hugs him and rand off asking if anyone wants a piece of the leaf. I hope Robert will let me go, he seems less pushy and well predatory without rick being all bossy. I'm lost in thought when I realize rick had moved the bag under my nose. Just like how kale's went everything goes completely filter free and my head is no longer in control. Robert lets go and I wanna tackle Reagan or put my head in his sweat shirt but instead I simple scream that bootyblake need to find a chair for his fans to take turns. I then run off even though I don't wanna give anyone a lap dance I don't wanna find a chair and I hate running through crowds. Jesus what I'm I doing I'm complaining in my head while free Justin is screaming about being a sexy unicorn. 🦄

Reagan's PVO:)
I'm stunned did Justin really Just yell that ? Never mind what am I doing I need to go find him I yell at my self. He's on drugs and running around at a party how am I ever going to find him?!
And just like that I get my answer as I here many people chanting sexy unicorn which I can only assume has something to do with him. That butt always liked that nickname I smile to my self. I begin to walk towards that area...

Jack's PVO:)
I hate rick. Ugh kale just ran off. I turn and look at rick laughing his butt off. Man that burns me up I pull my arm. Back and wam I punch him dead on in the face and watch him fall to the floor. Robert just walks away as I begin to look for kale. Everyone's different when on drugs apparently both jake and Justin turn into looney bats. I walk around for a good 5 minutes slowly getting more and more worried about my little guy. Till I hear someone scream HELL YEAH THE LEAF IS IN. Which I know can be no one other than kale. I head in that general direction hoping he hasn't done anything to bad.

Okay so I know this is another cliff hanger but I really wanted to give you guys another chapter before tomorrow!i might update tonight if I'm not to tired. Comment if I should lol. I love you guys❤️

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