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Jack's PVO:)
I wake up before kale. Which of course is a disappointment I really wanted to kiss him with out him being all loopy. Either way I head down stairs to see Reagan making pancakes in his boxers and sweatshirt. I snort and say dang Reagan I thought since it was your house you might have some pants. He jumps a little cause I guess I was quite coming down. He laughs and says I wad kinda hoping Justin would wake up next . He's a goofball, I really hope kale wakes up soon I say and Reagan nods I can tell even though it's only been one night and most of the morning he misses Justin a lot and I completely relate. I eat some pancakes and say I'll go check on the boys. He nods and goes back to making pancakes. Man he's taking this hard, I wonder why?

Reagan's PVO:)
I woke up early and was praying  Justin would wake up. He scared me after screaming in the car and he was shaking all night. I waited a long quite hour just hoping but of course nothing. I kissed him on the head and walked down stairs and begun to make chocolate chip pancakes mine and Justin's favorite. I was on my 3rd pancake when I heard someone do one of those snort laughs. I'm not gonna lye I jumped a little. I turned around and saw jack standing there full bed head look going on. He of course had to crack some remarks about my pajamas. To be honest I really was hoping Justin would wake up and make a remark about my boxers. Although at this point I'm happy anyone is awake it was becoming to quite for me. Jack eats all 3 of my pancakes and I start to make more when he says he'll check on the guys. I really hope Justin wakes up all drug free and happy. I really want his hugs and kisses right now and know he's okay, what he's dream was about, all of that. I nod as I hear him go up the stairs. I try and focus of hearing if he finds either awake. I hear his open Justin's door first and it's quite for a minute till he closes it again. I sigh. He then goes and opens kale's door I hear a little gasp. I hear a whisper yell babe! I smile to my self already imagining the little reunion their having. Me and jack already agreed to tell Justin and kale everything that happened later and together. I can't wait

Kale's PVO:)
I stopped dreaming after that weird scary one. I slowly open my eyes and my head automatically hurts. Ugh I whisper. I'm about to groan when I remember jack. We're is he I want him I want a hug and kiss I begin to try and get up only to find my whole body disagrees. I start to sit up for what seems like the millionth time. Till I hear a little excited gasp. I look over to the door and see my handsome boyfriend peeking in. I smile as big as possible. His whole face lights up as he swiftly walks to the bed and gives a faint bear hug to the point we're I fall down. I laugh and little. He whispers in my neck I love you. I smile and blush and say I love you too. He says no I mean I love you a lot and I laugh cause he breath tickles but I say I love you more though. Which starts one of those back and forth games. Which ends in him kissing me. I missed him so much and it wasn't even that long. He ask if I can walk down stairs. I pout a little and say idk, to which he responds Reagan made pancakes. I raise an eyebrow and jump up and scream yell FOOD!! I rush down stairs just as Reagan sets a plate of pancakes on the table. Reagan smiles and says the leaf woke up finally. I laugh and sit down and begin eating right away. I pour a large amount of syrup and chow down! I see how Reagan is a little off he's always glancing at the stairs. I know he wants Justin to wake up. I finish eating and say I'll make some pancakes for Justin if he wants to go check on him. Reagan nods and smiles. I get up and begin the ritual of the pancake making.

Reagan's PVO:)
Kale offered to take over and I was more than happy to let him. I tried not to rush up the stairs. I slowly opened the door and peeked in to see him Still asleep. I sighed and walked in closing the door behind me. I payed down next to him and pulled him close. He was breathing even which was good. I whispered I love you and kissed Justin on the head. I snuggled close and closed my eyes and musty let my thoughts wonder happy that he was close. I was deep in thought about what our future would be like. You know apartments and all that. When Justin says out of no where have I ever told you how handsome you are? I perk up and grin as big as I believe I can. He smiles and I tackle him and laugh. He laughs till our foreheads are touching. I smile and lean down since I'm on top and smash our lips together. I feel Justin smile into the kiss and can't help but smile back.

Justin's PVO:)
I open my eyes and man is my head pounding. I suddenly become very aware of the fact that two arms are wrapped around me. I smile to my self and say have I ever told you how handsome you are? His face is pure joy as he jumps up. He tackles me into a big hug even though I'm sore I'm not complaining. Our foreheads touch and then hole pulls me close and kisses me with a passion. I smile into the kiss because I love him. I feel him smile back into the kiss. I blush a little and wrap my arms around him. He pulls apart to fast but keeps our forehead touching. He says I missed you and it wasn't even a full day. I laugh and said I missed you too. He leads me down stairs we're I find kale and jack snuggled up on the couch. They smile at me as I notice the pancakes on the table. I eat about 2 pancakes then walk over to join everyone in the living room I put my legs over Reagan's lap and put my head on his chest. I'm about ask what we're watching but before I can get the words out. Jack says you guys wanna here about last night. Me an kale look at each other and laugh, nod.

Cliffhanger 😬😂 I've you guys thanks for over 800 reads !!! I can hardly believe it I never thought even 10 people would read my story. I can't thank you guys enough ❤️️💕 ~ tinelli 🐘

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