Not myself

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Reagan's PVO:)
I found him and he's really not himself he said we're friends I find it kinda hilarious but I still don't like it. I'm pulling Justin by the hand towards the door and just as I reach it so does someone else we both reach for the handle and I look up to see...

Jack's PVO:)
Kale is not to heavy but he's a boy so I can't carry him forever so about have way to the door I start dragging him forward by the hand. As I pull him he's making remarks to every person we pass! I'm getting used to either saying sorry or trying to hold a laugh in, it's hard not to laugh and cringe when he screams at the top of his lungs I have a good view of your butt from back here! Which is kinda embarrassing and extremely funny, wait till I tell him In the morning. As we reach the door I grab for the handle at the same time as... Reagan? I look up at Reagan who's pulling Justin as he looks at me pulling kale and both of us laugh and smirk a little at the fact that we're pulling our boyfriends out of a party Bc of drugs.

Kale's PVO :)
Thank god for my jack! He's getting me out of this party and away from embarrassing my self.For gods sake I've said CATCH THESE HANDS at least 50 times and I even yelled at the top of my lungs that I had a good view of jacks butt. I mean yeah I look and stuff but I don't yell it out loud. Although I could obviously see him smirking. Just for that I wanna mess with him a little. 😏 so I kinda give loopy kale a little more control by not trying to fight him so much and he saw his opportunity, he took it. My drugged me just grabbed jacks butt and winked when he turned around I yell at my self, internally NO  more freedom for myself ! 😂 I laugh and scream. Jacks face was price less though he turned around and look at me really concerned and surprised and when I winked he turned bright bright red. Point loopy kale I whispered to my self.

Justin's PVO:)
It felt like Reagan dragged me forever and ever but we made it to the door and luckily bumped in jack and kale. Which is good cause then we don't have to wait for them to come out we can just leave. As we're going I notice kale wink and grab jacks butt and jack have a full on blush moment it's kinda funny so I may or may not have decided to let the drugs have a minute. The moment we step out side I let my self be full on loopy for a whole minute and watch as to my amusement I too grab Reagan's butt but when he turn around I yell it's my property and I wanted to touch it! Reagan seems horrified until he breaks out into a full on laugh.i love it when he laughs; it was worth embarrassing myself.

Reagan's PVO:)
He grabbed my butt I can hardly try and look mad it was hilarious and totally a bootyblake move. Plus he said it's my property and I wanted to touch it ,man I love him. If it had been just me and him I would have grabbed his back but were in public and I can't retaliate. We continue to walk, I can see the car in the distance. As we approach it I open the door and put Justin in just as he pass out to get some sleep. being all drugged must make someone really tired. I watch as jack shoves kale in and climbs into the drivers seat. I check the mirrors and see kale and Justin out cold. Our baby's I whisper and hear jack snicker. We begin to drive off. I can't wait to tell them everything they did in the morning. I can't help but smile really big and goofy thinking about it.

Hey guys sorry I took so long I've been busy !😒 I am gonna try and update more🤘🏻 love you guys soooooo much ❤️❤️

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