Can we go home

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Kale's PVO:)
I run off after hugging that piece of sh** . I would love to be in charge of my body right know but that's not happening I yell in my head. I'm still screaming at my self when I find myself at a table full of big guys who have gold chains around their neck and muscle tees. There holding cards and are passing around cigarettes. Great I think what can free kale do now , why won't I I just walk away and find jack.
K-kale's thoughts L- leaf aka free kale
G1- for one of the gang guys G2- another guy
K- walk away walk away
L- what is up my brothersssss !
G1- you want us to deal you in ( smirking)
G2- you gotta put something in for who ever wins.
K- perfect I have nothing on me I will have to leave !
L- I can offer a make out with whoever you choose or with you
K-  crap he knows I'm gay wait I'm the one saying this of course I know I'm gay
Just as the guys are almost done dealing him in jack appears looking as worried as ever. All I can think is help me.

Jack's PVO:)
I find kale and he's sitting at table with guys he would normal avoid at all costs. Their obviously gambling and I don't like that the one guy next to kale he has his hand on  kales thigh. ( silently thinking that's my property in jacks head) I walk over to kale and k- kale  L- loopy kale J-jack
K- jacks here I'm saved babe I miss you and love you and HELP ME !
L- J-dog what's up my home slice
J- kale it's time to leave
L- it's leaf and I'm not going anywhere
K- Jesus go with him stupid
J- these guys will probably take advantage of you come on( grabs kales hand)
K- yes babe bring me home
L- Maybe I want them to take advantage of me it's not like you ever do
K- what the actual heck just came out of my mouth I love jack and I don't mean that. I watch as jack slowly closes his eyes and breaths out he looks crushed
J- I know you don't mean that let's leave you'll be better tommrow
L- no ( pouting like a child
-still jacks PVO -
I pick him up and put him half way over my shoulder.

Justin's PVO:)
I don't really remember how I started this chanting group circle thing but man are they into it. Right now I'm lap dancing some guy I've never met and didn't  intend to. All I can think is gross gross gross I want Reagan not you. But my body and mouth and everything seems to be not me. I drop again as the group gets louder saying sexy unicorn ! Over and over again the guy laughs and touches my hips. I am internally yell at my butt of a head and start silently begging for Reagan. All of the sudden I'm grabbed and pulled through people by the hand till I'm outta the group and on the outside. I'm about done with people grabbing me so I'm about to hurt whoever this is until they turn me around and i see Reagan my baby my love my savor from that group! Wanna cry and hug him and kiss his handsome face but drug me feels different
R-Reagan J- Justin's head FJ- filter free Justin aka drugs talking
R- time to go sexy unicorn ( holding in a laugh)
J- he's joking at a time like this! dang I love that butt ❤️
FJ- why I have SOO many fans here to get bootyblaked upon
R- nows not the time plus I bet if you come home we can get your sin chair
J- that little handsome genius is bribing mister drug me
FJ- what a smart friend I have
R- about to die of laughter I'm a friend am I
J- of course not babe your much more
FJ- what else would you be
R- a little taken back* wait till the morning then I'll ask again
Reagan then starts dragging me to the door to leave.

Okay SOO I know this is a tiny bit of a cliffhanger but I really wanted to update and I am gonna try to have the next chapter up tonight or tommrow night I love you guys ~🐳❤️

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