1: The Youtube house

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(A/N not edited yet, but please leave some feedback!)

I walked inside of the place I'd be living in. It was magnificent. Ceilings were probably 3 times my height. The ground was made of a super shiny wood. I think it was oak. Maybe not, it's really light. I thought back to minecraft, birch is definitely the lightest wood. Maybe it was birch, I'm not going to ask though, because that'd be extremely weird.

"Close your mouth G, you might catch flies" A familiar voice said to me.

I turned around to see Mitch, my brother's bestfriend.

I scowled at him and grabbed my bags, ignoring his statement. I don't exactly see why him and Jerome were bestfriends. Jerome is so sweet and well...Mitch can be a major douchebag sometimes. I can put up with him for the most part, but I don't know how Jerome does it. Jerome is just a mere baby bacca.

"Still feisty, eh?" He smiled looking at me. Feisty? Is that what he thinks I am? I guess it's a compliment too.

"Still awkward?" I smirked. Like that was even a question.

Mitch and I weren't exactly the best of friends in highschool. A grade above me all throughout everything. Always acted like he's better, because he's 'older'.

Mitch was popular. Like extremely popular, I don't really understand why. He didn't dress super preppy or play any sports. He was just attractive I guess, definitely not likeable I must say. Mitch is also a whore, I wonder how many 'gifts' he took throughout highschool.

He liked to tease me in the hall with Jerome and his friends. I did have one thing that put me above him, I wasn't awkward as hell.

"I'm going to go help them" he said to me, interrupting my memories.

He did something weird with feet and walked towards the front door to help some of the boys in.

I smiled to the other guys and ran up into an empty room with a bed. We were allowed to pick any bedroom in the whole house. I didn't even care which one, I just wanted one with a bed and a window.

And it had a bed! The bed was really big and had gigantic blue comforters. To the right was a balcony. Perfect, just dandy for natural lighting. Which I need, for YouTube.

You see I live with the team crafted household now, it was going to be just them, but Jerome said that it'd be okay if I stayed too.

I'm not part of team crafted, if you're wondering. I'm actually a beauty guru. ASFJerome is my brother, who loves me endlessly. I think the biggest reason I'm staying with them is to keep me away from other...human beings. He's a bit over protective. He didn't really think out the whole living with like a million guys thing. Not a big deal though, because I have an amazing boyfriend to distract me from all of this chaos.

"Baby sister, G" Jerome screamed, tackling me onto the bed, whilst interrupting my thoughts.

His body weighed down mine by a lot. He probably weighs about 50 more pounds than I do.

"Jerome, you're skinny, but not this skinny" I said, pushing his body off of mine.

He laughed.

"So what do you think of this place?" I asked him, while I looked around the room admiring the minor details.

"It's cool, definitely an upgrade from the place I lived in before" he smiled.

"At least you didn't live at home with mom" I smiled, we both laughed.

"HEY I CALLED THIS ROOM" someone yelled.

Adam. My bestfriend, Adam. He walked in completely nonchalant and took a seat on my bed.

"Bitch, I'll fight you" I stated, giving Adam the crazy eye.

"I already claimed this room" he said, giving me the same look back.

"Really?" I asked, "Did you pee on it?"

"Well that's my que to go get the camera" Jerome smiled, exiting the room.

He always has to record something doesn't he?

"Well did you?" I asked again, folding my arms.

"No, but I can" he stated, pretending to un do his belt.

I fake gagged and ran over to my bag to pull out my secret weapons. Tampons. I held one up to Adam's face.

Adam took a quick few steps back with a horrified face.

"Is that used?" He asked.

I giggled "Adam, would I have this in my hand if it was?"

"I don't know, maybe?" He asked.

I laughed and threw a bunch of tampons over my bed.

"This is my land now. I've claimed it with tampons and cooties"

Adam started laughing. Like super hard, I don't know why, but it was definitely contagious. I immediately joined in and before I knew it we were both on the floor laughing our arses off.

"Guys, what's so funny?" Jerome smiled. He had one of those darned cameras with him.

"Oh my god are you recording us?" I laughed, I still don't know what so funny, but I couldn't help but laugh anyways.

"Nope, I just like holding my camera like this" Jerome stated.

I smiled and Adam laughed.

"We should go out for some dinner" I announced, god I was hungry.

"Yeah, you too look a bit starved" Adam said talking to Jerome and I.

Jerome and I are really skinny, okay? Don't judge us, it's just how our entire family is.

I shot a look at Adam "Go get Justin, Mitch, Ian, deadlox and mudkips"

"They have names remember?" Jerome said.

"I know they have names, but I'm not good with names" I said to Jerome.

Jerome rolled his eyes and Adam went went downstairs to gather the boys with him.

I think I'll be okay with this living arrangement.

I hurried and put my messy brown hair into a messy bun. Being the beauty guru I am I re-did my powder and put on some bronzer, which would make my cheekbones look amazing while my hair is up.

I didn't bother to change because I was too lazy to unpack so I just stayed in my black skinny jeans, white Chuck Taylor's and a light pink hoodie. I'd give my overall look a 6/10, probably most appropriate outfit ever for Applebee's.

Feisty and Awkward (bajancanadian fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now