The Lavery Twins - Chapter 8

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Hiya guys! So this chapter is basically just the concert. Nothing much :)

Pic on the side is....welll.....similar to what Holly's hair looks like. (Just without the curls. Her hair is straight.)

Just imagine a little bit more streaks, but that pic pretty much sums it up. ----------->

OH BTW, at the concert, when the song 'Sexting' comes on, play it on the side if you haven't heard it before so you can know what it sounds like.


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Chapter 8.


"Okay," Ally smiled proudly as she tossed the last shirt onto her bed. "Pick anything."

I stared at the insanely massive pile of clothes on Ally's queen-sized bed. We were getting ready to go to the BOTDF concert in a half an hour, and we wanted to dress like....well....teenage girls going to a Blood on the Dancefloor concert. We felt like being creative tonight.

I should ask Jace to come with us. He should meet his imaginary parents. I did mention how Jace looked like Dahvie and Jayy's child.

"Holy cow," I said, my eyes bulging out of my face as I took in all the clothes.

"I already know what I'm wearing," Ally shrugged her shoulders, and walked over to her window to close her curtains. "Go nuts, Holly. I'm gonna hit the bathroom to do my shit."

I grimaced at her. Ally saw my expression, and started laughing.

"Dumbass, I mean do my makeup," she giggled, and gently smacked the back of my head as she walked past me to leave the room. I chuckled to myself.

I put my hands on my hips as I eyes all the clothes. Ally had quite a taste in wardrobe. She had such a different style than I did, and although I loved clothes like hers, I just couldn't picture myself dressed like that.

But what the hell? Life's too short. Being best friends with Ally teaches you that. I walked over to the bed, and chuckled. I had no idea where to start. There's just way too much variety.

"Okay," I muttered to myself, as I picked up a pair neon pink booty shorts. I remember going with Ally to Hot Topic that day, where she bought a ton of things. I didn't have much money on me so I just bought a few wristbands and a Panic! At The Disco T-shirt.

I stripped out of the track pants I was wearing, and pulled my purple tank top over my head and tossed them onto the floor. I mentally prayed the shorts would fit as I slipped into them. Ally was thinner than I was - maybe about a size or two smaller.

I sighed in relief as I buttoned up all the buttons with ease. The shorts were really bright looking, and I smirked down at them. I wouldn't be surprised if they glowed in the dark.

I put my hands on my hips as I scanned all the shirts. There was a tank top that really caught my eye. It looked like it was Spandex, and it was black with silver stars on it. I grabbed it, and put it on.

It was really slim-fitting, and it was also pretty low. I'm guessing I was supposed to wear a Bandeau under it.

But I didn't want to. Tee hee. My black and white checkered bra was a bit exposed, and although it looked a little sluttish, I liked the way it looked with the shirt.

Plus, it was a BOTDF concert. I know I'll look like a nun compared to the other girls that are going to be there. Trust me.

I pulled up the tank top a little just as Ally walked in, all her makeup done. Can somebody say 'Holy shit'?

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