The Lavery Twins - Chapter 25

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Lol, so I realised my grammar might be pretty bad.....since I'm like anti-stoned 24/7. TROLOLOL.

But whatever. If you see some mistakes, or words that don't exist in the human world, do not freak out. It's just wattpad, and you're reading a story by an author who just doesn't care. *shrugs* Plus I like to spell words wrong.... C:

Anyways, here is your precious chapter. I'm sorry if I take long, but really, I have my own problems to worry about. If I feel like I wanna die, or kill the whole town, I will not upload. That's it.

But yeah :D LOL sorry. You guys are probably like "....what the hell's wrong with this chick?"

*Shrugs*. I'm just messed up. ANYWAYS, I love you guys *big internet hug*

vote/comment/like/fan <3



Chapter 25.





"Dad?" I stepped out into the backyard, where I found my dad sitting on a lawn chair in the night. Ally was asleep in my room, and I remember it being around 11:30 when I left my room to come find him. I smiled a little when my dad turned to look at me, a surprised look on his face.

"Holly," he said, "I thought you girls were sleeping."

"Ally is," I shrugged, closing the door behind me as I walked over to him. "Waiting for the fireworks?" I looked up at the empty night sky, which was still a tad bit foggy from the previous fireworks today.

My dad nodded, and I frowned a little as I joined him on the chair next to his. It was a bit silent between us at first, and I bit the insides of my cheek as I looked at my dad. My dad and I used to be inseparable, the two of us. He'd always call me his little buddy, and we used to do everything together. Once mom died, it was just me and him against the world. It used to be like that, but then things sort of changed, and suddenly he stopped being in my life so much. I looked at my dad, and sighed as I looked down at my lap.

"I miss you, dad," I told him. When I lifted my eyes to look at him, my dad smiled at me.

"I miss you too, Holls. I'm sorry I'm not around all the time anymore. It's hard to...." he trailed off, sighing as he shook his head.

"I know, dad," I told him. "It's hard without mom. I know."

My dad gave me a sad smile, and looking at his features I noticed how he was starting to age, his once-light brown hair greying out, his once-young face starting to roughen out with age. His chocolate brown eyes, once so vibrant and filled with fun, now somewhat sad and full of loss.

"Daddy," I choked out, getting out of my chair so I could climb into his with him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, burrying my face in his shoulder. When my dad put his arms around me, holding me to him, I suddenly felt the loss I've been feeling without him. I could feel my eyes watering, and I took in a deep breath.

"Dad," I sobbed on his shirt. "I'm a horrible person!"

"What? Why would you say that?" My dad asked in surprise, patting my back in comfort. I choked on my words, wanting to tell him everything. I wanted to tell my dad about Matt and Shane. I wanted to tell my dad all the secrets I've been hiding from him, and just pour everything onto him, because I know I've been shutting him out of my life. My dad is all I got now.

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