The Lavery Twins - Chapter 14

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Okay, so this story's all over the place at the moment. You're all probably like "...okay, when is something going to happen?"

WAIT. seriously, just gimme a chance here. I mean, this story's just something to pass time until I come up with something more organized anyways.

But, I kinda like writing this story :3

So.....guess who's POV it is now? *drumm roll*.....


lol, I love Ally. She's my favourite character from all of my stories I've written.

Anyways, so we're still at the party. Just saying! x)

VOTE/COMMENT/LIKE.FAN....... honestly, if nobody likes this story then wtf am I uploading? -.-

So, if you actually kind of like The Lavery Twins, and want me to upload......then comment :) I need some encouragement, you guys.

So yeah! Enjoy!!




Chapter 14.








The song 'Time to Pretend' by MGMT was blasting throughout the entire mansion, and the whole place was dimmed, with flashing lights everywhere and colourful little lava lamps placed in the corners, making the place look like my kind of party. It's really loud, and I'm about to go deaf, but that doesn't matter because I was jizzing in my pants. Everywhere I looked, there was a hot guy. It was like a human buffet -- all you can eat, my friend. Plus, although alot of them looked like the rich snobs the Hudsons apparently were, there were some guys I immediately had respect for.

Like, exhibit A, this guy over here wearing an Asking Alexandria T-shirt. Yes, I love him already. But, there's still Jace back home, who....technically isn't mine....yet....but I don't even know what the hell's going on.

Screw it. I'm ready to have fun. Major fun, I'm talking -- HOLY FRICK, A CHOCOLATE FOUNTAIN.

"Guys!" I exclaimed, tugging on Holly's elbow. The girls immediately followed my gaze, and they all gasped. This chocolate fountain was huge, it was in the corner of this big-ass room we were in. It was just so....graceful. And yummy.

"Ally," Holly beamed at me, and I mimicked her expression. "Ally, I think we found our destination."

Morgan and Rachel chuckled, and Amber raised an eyebrow before following us over to the table.

"It's so beautiful," I sighed, staring down at it. The couple of teenagers near us gave us a weird look. One girl's gaze stayed on me for a little longer than I liked.

"What?" I snapped. Her eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"Uh....nothing?" She muttered, putting her red cup to her lips and looking away. The other people just went back to whatever they were doing.

"Ally," Amber whined, as I put my finger under the chocolate fountain, "please don't start anything with anybody."

"What, I would never do that!" I said mock offended, and put my finger in my mouth. Rachel did the same as me, putting her finger under the chocolate.

The Lavery TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now