The Lavery Twins - Chapter 23

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This chapter's for all you Matt lovers out there!!! :)

This is kind of for myself, also. I can't decide between either twin....YEAH, THATS RIGHT. I'M THE AUTHOR AND I CANT FRICKIN DECIDE ON WHO ITS GON' BE.

** First of all.....I would like to give a quick shout out to HarmonyRenee for coming up with 'Shatt' :) Honestly, TEAM SHATT. <3 **

So, I'm sitting back, letting my fingers type whatever they want, and see how my own story goes :) Currently, I am good for both boys. I personally love Matt because of his asshole...ness. I like the 'bad-boy' type, and whatever he is.

But then, Shane.....*dreamy sighs*.....he's sexy. I mean, they're both sexy but I personally have a thing for guys like Shane. Lookswise, anyways. Piercings, smokers, long hair, metal. It's all for meeee.

Man, I should have just mashed Matt and Shane together to make one person.....then I would have Shatt myself. LOLOLOLOLOL. Okay, I'll shut up now.

Anyways, I just want to expose the fact that I see that almost 600 people have read one of my chapters, and i only got like 5 comments. Really? Like, are you shitting on my balls right now? I'm the one who has to listen to people complain about how i don't upload enough, and how I'm slacking off everyday. Or people whining at me in my inbox like 'UPLOAD, UPLOAD, UPLOAD.'

I'm not trying to be a comment whore....actually, too bad. I turned to the dark side, and I'm an official comment prostitude. OK. I have a life, surprisingly. I have friends, I have things to do, shit to destroy, and people to see. But, I'm dedicated to wattpad, not just 'cause I'm obsessed....but because I have fans who want to see my stories and see how they turn up. Like this story, for example. I can see there is a mini war with Matt and Shane, and it's very amusing. SO that's exactly what I'm doing, continuing this story. But if nobody comments or says how I'm doing, HOW THE HELL....AM I SUPPOSED....TO.....KNOW...OR...LIVE? What is this? Seriously, come on guys. I'm a nice person. I'm cool..... *cool face*.

Well, .....*Dramatic sigh*...... all you 600 people who read this story but don't comment. Thanks. I hope you have a serious problem with your computer, causing you to not comment....'cause I'll find you. You better hide yo kids, hide you wives, and hide you husbands 'cause me be raping aybody out there if they don't comment..... As for little number of people who actually DO put their time in to comment.....*BIG HUG* I love you guys! <3 <3 <3

Okay, so, I'm not going to be THAT much of a bitch and threaten you guys to comment or I won't upload.....BUT, I will do this. The first five people to comment, will be mentioned in the next chapter.... :) NOT LYING. I know I'm a liar....but this is legit. SO DO IT GUYS :)

anyways. Sorry for this long-ass author's note.....this might make the chapter look longer LOL. *troll smile*

Anyways, this chapter is very descriptive. I don't know, but you get to see how Holly really thinks, as a person. So yeah, hope the descriptiveness and thinking doesn't get too boring LOL.

Anyways, sorry, I think I'm pmsing or something, because....Jesus mother of christ....I type way too much. Errrks.





Chapter 23


I was surprised that I woke up at twelve. Honestly, I actually checked my phone about three times, making sure the time was right. Maybe I was excited. I flung the blankets off of my body, and climbed out of bed. Woah, a bit dizzy there. I blinked a couple times, gaining my balance, and decided I should hop in the shower.

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