Chapter One- Hi Logan

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Chapter One- Hi Logan


Why do we always have these preconceived notions of who we are going to be when we are older? We picture ourselves as confident beings with everything put together. The perfect job, perfect school, perfect hair, perfect face, perfect house...the list can go on and on about all the "perfects" that I have dreamt of.

I'm guilty of it too. No one is judging here.

I have dreamt of the perfect house, the perfect spouse and the perfect family all too much. I have even pictured what I will look like. The curvy body, long flowing hair and everything in between.

What I am getting at is that we are all guilty of dreaming about who we will be when we are older. But, the truth is, it never ends up what we pictured. Some of us are lucky and marry someone famous and never have a worry for the rest of their life, some of us lose our family and feel so alone that they don't know what love is. We can't plan out our lives, so why do we always dream of what we will become? Is it because school tells us to plan out what we want to do? Is it constant conditioning that we always think like that?

Well, whatever it's the most idiotic thing I have ever heard of.

Dreaming of what we will be always leads to disappointment. At least it did for me.

Those dreams washed down the most disgusting toilet you can imagine and they spat out into the most garbage filled water system you can think of.

But, I'm not looking for a pity party. In fact, I'm looking to show how you can still make something of your life. Even when literal hell is thrown against you, something can still be made.

For me, it all started with Keith...

Fucking Keith.


"Hey troll." Jeremy teased while bumping my shoulder. A slight gasp left my mouth as I hit the wall, my journal and pen slipping from my hands. I was more annoyed at the fact that I had dropped my things. Jeremy walked on with not so much as a glance back. However, I stared at the back of his stupid brown hair so hard, I was waiting for laser beams to shoot out of my eyes and mess up his horrid bed head.

"Hey Lo." Keith said and I turned while moving my journal around. Keith always made my heart race and for my hands to become sweaty. It was either hormones from the lovely onset of puberty...or just a terrible case of anxiety sweat.

Nonetheless, my face got hot for some reason -maybe I should drink more water- and I mumbled a; "Hi Keith," while tucking the stray strands of my braided hair behind my ear. Another nervous reaction, which makes the anxiety sweat seem a lot more possible.

"I like your braids." He said and while placing his hands into the pockets of his jeans, like it was a natural reaction. He was like Heath Ledger in 10 Things I Hate About You or Dean Winchester in Supernatural, he had the charm and he was a part of my dream. Keith was the guy you dreamed about; the one picking you up after school in a vintage sports car or on his motorcycle, the kind that treated you like an angel, but that your father didn't like because of his ill temper. I wanted him so desperately to be that guy. To be my dream guy.

However, that meant that every girl in our pack thought he was cute. Everyone scribbled his name in their notebooks with hearts. Even my younger sister, Lilith thought he was insanely cute.

"Maybe you can join us tonight? We're watching movies in the den!" He said excitedly and I spiraled out of my thoughts and came back down to reality. This was it, I mean, I was never invited to any of the hangouts. No one wanted me there...why would I say no?

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