Chapter Fifty-five- Vacation?

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Chapter Fifty-five- Vacation?


Upon graduating, a few days later someone knocked on the door. I opened it and there stood my mom and dad. We had dinner and have been on a talking basis.

"Hi Logan, may we come in?" She asked.

"Hey guys, uh...sure." I said allowing them in. Jake was out rehearsing with his band and Sammy and Finn were spending the day together. Dean walked in wiping his hands on a dish towel. He was wearing sweats and a shirt considering it was his day off.

"Gerard, Katherine, how are you both?" Dean smiled while shaking their hands. (Did I give them names? This is bad but I can't remember lol).

"Dean, we are wonderful how are you?" Dad asked.

"I'm good. Please have a seat can I get you two anything?" He asked.

"Just a water. Thank you, Dean." Mom smiled. They have been on a friendly basis with Jake and Dean.

"What's up?" I asked.

"When grandma died, Logan...she left something for you." Mom said pulling out grandma's old jewelry box. She used to let me wear her necklaces and bracelets. There was a little dancer that wound up on the inside.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes. She told me to give it you when you graduated." She said handing me the box. I slowly opened it and inside rested my grandmothers necklace. She used to wear it all the time. Grandma was young like every werewolf and she died due to a disease that most werewolves contracted when they have lived a long life. She was over one hundred years old and she looked like she was thirty.

She wore this string of pearls everyday. Grandpa had given it to her and she never took it off. I smiled while holding it and lifted it up. Suddenly my mind slipped away;

I sat in grandma's backyard on a blanket that was laid on the grass. Grandma laid down next to me and we were colouring. I was only about seven and I spent everyday with grandma.

"Logan remember to always stay strong, okay sweetheart?" She asked.

"Why?" I asked.

"Pass me your palm, beautiful." She said sitting up. Grandma used to say she was psychic, I later found out that grandma had abilities like me. She could see and talk to the dead. They gave her looks into the future.

"Because, you're going to go through something that will change you and shape you into the beautiful young woman you are meant to be. Just stay strong okay?" She asked.

"Okay, grandma." I smiled.

"I love you baby girl and I promise that even when I'm gone I will make sure you're taken care of. I sometimes think I have too much money." She said whispering the last part. Grandma and grandpa owned their own estate with guards, fountains and beautiful dark green grass.

I came back and I looked down at the pearls and wiped the tear that slipped down my cheek.

"Oh honey, I know how close you two were. She loved you so much." Mom said.

"I know." I whispered feeling my heart become heavy. There was one person who I could never get mad at in life and that was grandma.

A pale pink envelope was on the bottom and I picked it up and opened it. Inside was a letter;

To my darling Logan,

If you're reading this then you should have just graduated high school and your mother and father have dropped this off to you at your new home. I always told you that grandma could tell the future and I know Jake and Dean are good to you. I left you all of my savings. I told you that I had too much money and I left it all to my beautiful granddaughter. I knew you were special and I know you were scared when you got your abilities but you're the strongest woman I know. Please know that I love you and I am always watching over you. I have left you most of the earnings from grandpa and I's company. I had to give quite a bit to your mother and fathers pack, haha. I love you Logan, you're an Everton and you're strong. Be good to Johnny (yes, I saw it when you turned ten) and enjoy all the money, do what I would do and go shopping!

Love you always baby girl,

Grandma Greyson Everton.

I laughed while reading the letter. That little shit knew so much about my future.

"What's so funny?" Dad asked.

"Grandma knew about Jake, Dean and Johnny..." I smiled.

"Mom's abilities were amazing." Mom breathed. I opened up the smaller brown envelope and my eyes widened.

"Holy fuck." I said.

"Language, Logan." Mom said.

"What is it?" Dean asked.

"Grandma Greyson left me ten million dollars, how rich was she? What grandma does that!?" I asked.

"I think my grandma gave me twenty bucks on my birthday." Dean whispered.

"Grandma loved you, Logan. She talked about you to everyone. We just wanted to drop it off and we enjoyed you and Sam the other night." She said referring to last week. I smiled and walked them to the front door.

"Bye guys, I'll see you soon." I smiled.

"Bye Logan, see you soon, Dean. Tell Jake we said hi." Dad said.

"Bye guys!" Mom smiled while walking out the door. I shut it behind them and turned to Dean as he looked at the cheque.

"Ten millions dollars...shit." He whispered. He looked up and I laughed.

"What are you going to do with it?" He asked.

"I always wanted to go to the human world and go to the Bahamas. You think you and Jake can take a few weeks off?" I asked.

"We've never been to the human world. He better come or he can stay here." He shrugged and we immediately went to our laptop and began looking at flight prices and housing prices.

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