Chapter Twenty-one- By Your Side

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Chapter Twenty-one- By Your Side


After what felt like hours, Johnny finally shook his head, blinking his eyes back to normal and I raised an eyebrow as he looked down, practically searching for me.

"Are you okay?" I asked and he just looked at me.


"What Jeremy and Keith said is not true. I want to wake up and see your face each morning and I want to worship you. Fuck, Lo I'll worship the damn ground you walk on." He said and my eyes widened and I just blinked. What the fuck was he talking about? He must have been smoking something.

"What the fuck are you talking about? Did you have some major trip session?" I asked and he just shook his head while swallowing.

"It was weird. It was like one of your vision things but reverse. I saw one of your memories." He stated and my heart began to race. I think it was going to pop out of my chest; I self-consciously pressed my fingers to my chest, just to make sure it didn't.

Johnny saw my memories.

"What did you see?" I growled. Oh Gods, who knows what this guy saw? Here I was trying to keep everything under lock and key and now this asshole could see it, by touching me. How was I going to keep it under wraps now?

"I know Jeremy and Keith broke you, but you don't deserve that." He said and anger rolled up my spine, heating my blood to the point where it felt like my skin was melting. I sure as hell didn't need anyone fighting my own damn battles for me. I slammed my fist on the trunk of my car and I turned, my nostrils flaring as I stared at Johnny who remained calm.

"They didn't break me! I grew up and I can handle myself." I said, stepping close to him and glaring at him. I hoped he got the message, because I was right about to launch myself at him and beat him to a pulp.

"They did break you, Lo. You have to learn that not everyone is like them. There are people here who love you because you're you. You're fucking crazy sometimes, but that's just you." He said and I felt my skin prick with anger and I swallowed hard.

"You don't know shit, Blackwood!" I said jabbing my finger into his hard chest. He covered my hand with his and I felt the tingles go through my body right down to the tips of my toes and fingers and I glanced at our connected hands.

"I do know! I know you, Logan. You're a scared girl who was treated horribly and because of it you are scared to open up to people who show any type of emotion towards you. You aren't this psycho you think you are. Knock this shit off, you're my mate and I am here to be by your side and to help you." He said staring down at me and I felt the pull he was using on our bond and it took almost all of my strength to rip out of his grip and put some distance between us so that I could breathe.

"No, you're not! You're just like everyone else. You say stuff and soon you are going to turn around and tell me to fuck off!" I was steaming, all the emotions were hitting me like a damn tsunami and I couldn't handle them all at once. My heart was pumping, my stomach was clenching and I felt like I was going to break down and cry at any moment, but I couldn't. Not now.

"Gods, I wish I never came here and never met you! Look what you have done to me, just leave me alone." I ordered and Johnny narrowed his eyes at me and I felt my spine tingle waiting for his command.

"No." He said forcefully and a groan ripped through my throat and I turned while placing my hands on the back of my car to get a grip on everything around me. The cage I was in was breaking and Johnny was seeing right through it and moving the pieces away to get to me. He was seeing right through the mask on my face, behind it was a scared fucking girl that was hurting and was tired and would do anything to just curl up and be taken care of, to have someone tell her that she matters and is loved.

"I never needed someone telling me that I matter to someone. I hate it." I said wiping at the tear that spilled over. Weeks ago, I didn't need anyone telling me that I mattered and that I was beautiful. Hell, I didn't need anyone talking to me. I could do it all on me own with no one at my side and now I was breaking and I was falling. Hard.

Suddenly, Johnny's arms were around me and I made a noise of protest as I tried to shove him off me, I was powerless and he just forced me into the warmth of his body and I soon gave up, my spine and legs giving out as he kept his arms around me. I pressed my face into his chest that my face was smushed and all I could breathe, all that came in was Johnny. His woodsy scent and his warmth. It was all I felt and I could feel the tears gliding down my face.

"Look at what you did to me? I'm crying in the middle of the school parking lot where people can see me." I sobbed while gripping onto his sweater and I felt his chest rumble from a small chuckle and I scoffed.

"Are you happy now? You asshole." I sobbed and he looked down at me.

"I am happy. You matter to me, Logan. That's all that matters; fuck everyone else." He said and my head burrowed back into his chest and he held onto me, tightening his arms as if I would slip away.

"I'm taking you to my house." He told me and I went to push away and he held on tighter.

"No." I mumbled and he pulled back and stared at me, his eyes dark with anger.

"It's not an option. No damn girl of mine is going to school in this state." He ordered and I scoffed at him.

"I'm not your girl and I am not in any state. I'm fine." I said while wiping my tear stained cheeks and he moved his hands to my upper arms, gripping them tight enough for me to look at him, but loose enough for me to move away if I wanted to.

"You are my girl. You're my mate and you are distressed right now. Take the day off and fucking cuddle with me." He snapped and I stared at him surprised.

He wanted to cuddle with me?

My wolf practically howled in delight as I stared at him like he had suddenly sprouted an extra head.

"We will pick up your car later. Come." He ordered pulling me towards his car and my legs followed with no will of their own.

"I had enough of this you won't fall in love with me bullshit. You will because in my eyes you are a goddess amongst all these try-hards. No one here is better." He said and I felt my chest tighten and my stomach flutter.

He opened his door for me and I hesitantly got in and I looked up at him and blinked and his eyes darkened and he reached in and cupped my chin in his grasp and pulled my face closer to his as he bent down.

"Stop thinking you don't deserve to be happy." He ordered and all I could do was no once and he released my chin and shut the door on my side.

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