Chapter Thirty-five- Daddy Jake

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Chapter 35- Daddy Jake


I was a little distraught after the game so I went home while Sam went with the boys. Lilith actually drove me home which was nice. I was in a moody teenager mood and not in the party atmosphere.

"Hey, where were you?" Jake asked as I stepped in.

"Oh, I was just at the football game. Sorry." I apologized and he eyed me curiously as I dropped down my bag and took off my shoes.

"What's up?" He asked while stuffing his hands into his jeans. I sighed as I pulled my hair up into a messy bun. I was just in the mood to put on my comfy clothes and hop into bed.

"Oh, come on. I will heat you up the lasagna I had." He said going into the kitchen. I followed him and sat down in the chair as he popped a piece into the microwave.

"You need a glass of brown pop?" He chuckled. Anytime I was a little stressed I would love a glass of any kind of pop that was brown. Pepsi, Coke...anything. I was trying to cut back on the smoking. Jake and Dean didn't exactly approve of it. They would let me do it outside but out of respect to them, I was trying my best to quit.

"Yes please. Where is Dean?" I asked.

"He is at a work dinner." He answered setting down the piece. I looked at the delicious melted cheese.

"Did you make this?" I asked him.

"He came home before he left. I feel bad that I am not as good of a cook as he is." He laughed while opening a beer.

"So, what happened? Isn't Johnny on the football team? Shouldn't you be out celebrating?" He asked.

"He is and he played amazing. Jake, he looks so good in football pants." I laughed.

"Ah, football and baseball pants. They get you every time." He agreed while shaking his head.

"Exactly. Anyways, I was sitting with Sam and Lilith-"

"Lilith?" He asked surprised and I sat back and covered my eyes.

"I completely forgot about that. Okay, I will start with that, so, I got to school today and everyone was whispering about something, it turns out, Lilith is Blake Blackwood's mate, however, he is an omega so everyone was pissed and these snobby girls were making fun of her and hitting her so, I had to step in. I felt this weird warm feeling in my chest and I just didn't like how they were treating her." I explained quickly and Jake just listened to me. He was always willing to listen, Dean said that was one of the reasons why he loved him so much.

"Love for your sister never dies. No matter what she did to you. You know that." He smiled while leaning over and taking a piece of my lasagna with his fork.

"I think you're right. Deep down she will always be my sister and no one can treat her like that...except for me." I shrugged while laughing.

"That's good, Logan. You are making such good progress. Dean and I are proud of you." I felt that warm feeling inside again and I groaned.

"I feel that warm feeling again." I sighed.

"That's love you idiot." He laughed while sitting back.

"That kind of ties into what happened. So, while we were at the game, these two girls behind us were talking about how good Johnny looked. Needless to say, I snapped and almost lost my shit. They asked why I wasn't marked yet and began saying that if they were mated to JohnnyBlackwood then they would make him mark them on the first day." I said rolling my eyes.

"Okay, but he is not their mate so tell them to take a hike. You don't have to be mated right away. Take your time, when you're ready." He said.

"Exactly, but then at the end of the game, of course he had to score the winning touch down and all these girls were screaming and cheering for him and all of the teenagers and I don't know it just got to me. No one knows he is my mate and all these girls want him so bad and I'm not like that. I'm scared that he is going to like one of those girls. I don't know, I'm being a hormonal teenager." I admitted.

"Logan that's stupid. The kid is madly in love with you. You went through a lot and it takes you a bit longer to open up. You shouldn't mate him until you are ready and if he wants one of those annoying girls that worships the ground he walks on then he can have them. No one treats my daughter like that." He assured while standing up. The warm feeling came back into my chest and I smiled.

"You're the best, Jake. Can I start calling you and Dean dad one and dad two?" I asked.

"No." He said while washing dishes. I stood up and hugged him tightly, I didn't get any memories so I smiled and hugged him tighter. He laughed and patted my arms because I was hugging him from behind.

"Thanks for everything. I'm starting to feel like myself again." I smiled pulling back.

"I'm glad, Logan. You're the best and you deserve the best. You're ability to see memories is going down and you made up with your sister." He smiled approvingly.

"I know she asked me if I was moving back in any time soon and I told her no. I can't leave you and Dean." I admitted while staring at the floor.

"Logan if you want to move back in with your family then you can. We don't want to hold you back." He said softly.

"But you and Dean are my family." I said suddenly feeling scared. Was he saying for me to go?

"Don't get sad, dude. I was just saying if you want too." He said quickly and I hugged him tightly again.

"Jake, I told you to stop hanging around with him!" The man in front of Jake was bellowing at him in his office. He looked a lot like Jake so I am assuming this was his father.

"I'm sorry, sir. It won't happen again." Jake assured while standing tall. He had to have been only seventeen. He did look a bit like Asher.

"It better not. You can't be alpha of the Silverstone's while being mated to that thing." His father said disgusted, while referring to Dean (I'm assuming).

"You're right. I know."

"I already told you, Jake. You can't stay here if you want to be with him." He warned. Jake began to panic, he didn't want to leave his family.

"I know, sir. I want this alpha position." He said quickly.

"Good boy. Go get ready for football practice. I'll drive you." He said.

I pulled back and Jake watched me.

"What did you see?" He asked curiously.

"Your dad yelling at you for seeing Dean." I said softly and he chuckled.

"My old man was a dick to him. Dean is smart and I'm glad I gave up that position as alpha. I'm happier with Dean, with my writing and with my music." He said.

"Will I ever see you perform?" I asked him.

"When you get old enough to get into the clubs we play at." He smirked.

"Thanks Jake. I appreciate you listening to me." I smiled.

"Anytime, Logan. You know I'm here for you. Dean and I both are." He reminded and I nodded.

"I'm going to head up to bed. Goodnight Jake." I smiled.

"Goodnight, Lo." He said. I turned and stopped and looked back at him as he finished up the last few dishes.

"One last hug." I smiled while hugging him tightly and he laughed.

"Okay. Goodnight Ms. Affectionate." He teased and I groaned while walking up the stairs and into my room.

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