Change is Coming

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Chapter Forty-eight: Change is Coming

Saying goodbye to Errik feels right. Maybe I do need the space, a way for me to finally free myself of this hell I live in. “I’m sorry I have to leave like this . . .” he states, his hand on my neck, our faces just inches close together.

            “I know . . .” I trail off; my eyes gazing elsewhere, not wanting to look into his eyes. “But you have to go and this is the way it’s supposed to be.”

            “Okay, don’t be that dramatic. It’s only for a year and after that, we’ll plan our life together; start a family.” His last words are like a knife to my throat because Kenton said the same the night before he left. But I have to be stronger this time; I have to hope that Errik comes back in one piece, safe and sound. I finally look back into his eyes and see how remorseful he is for the lies and secrets he’s kept from me.

            “You promise?” I ask.

            “I promise.” He kisses my lips and leaves with Freddy into the car and disappears from sight. I’m left with a gaping hole in my chest, but still strong enough to keep living.

            “You okay, Ray?” Jessie questions; her arms wraps around my shoulders.

            I nod. “I’m okay.”

            “Well, while we’re at work, you need to get your book finished. You need something to get off of your mind,” Periwinkle states and I agree. Even though a year seems like forever, I need something to keep me busy. After all, I only have fifty pages done in the novel, so I need to get writing.

            “Thanks guys.” I turn to each of them and give them a hug before they get into their cars and drive away. A small smile creeps its way onto my mouth and I get back inside to begin the rest of the book.


Done with another twenty pages of hard work, I save what I have and close the laptop. Standing, I head over to the fridge and take a pickle slice, taking a bite from it. “I just hope he’ll be fine,” I say aloud. Even though I’m angry with Errik that he kept so many things from me, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love him. Errik means so much to me and I don’t want him to get hurt, as much as it kills me to think how he never said a word to me about Kenton’s plan, after almost a whole year of being together.

            Now it being the end of August, coming towards the anniversary of Kenton’s death and soon enough, my encounter with Errik, everything feels like it’s going down the drain. You need to get rest, I think.

            Eating the rest of the pickle, I head upstairs and get into bed. Although I’ve been sleeping a lot lately, it feels like I’ve only gotten an hour of slumber.

            As my eyelids fill my eyes with darkness, my mind immediately receives color and shapes, making out figures of people and objects. As far as I know, I’m in the middle of the city. Pedestrians walk in every direction, car horns go off by impatient jerks, and everything seems normal. But when I look upon the large television on a tall building, a large text says: Change is coming.

            Huh? I think. How can change come? It’s already passed by! So many things have changed. Kenton’s death, the myth about his reincarnation, Freddy’s friendship with Errik, my relationship with Errik, the secret, I’m friends again with my mother, my father died. The list can go on. So much has happened over the past year and I’m surprised I’m still standing. Though as of now, I’m stronger than I was back then. I have to agree with everyone else, I used to be whiny. I thought that my whole life would end because Kenton wasn’t around with me, but now I need to bulk up and become less touchy-feely. My emotions need to stay neutral and I need to control them.

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