The Future

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Chapter Fifty-nine: The Future

I stare wide eyed at him with words caught in my throat. With that, they feel like they are burning against the walls down my throat, but I try not to pay any attention towards it. Instead, I glance down to the beautiful ring and see it shimmer in the sunlight seeping through the windows.

            “I . . . uh . . .” I say, trying to make up my mind. I do love him, very much, but is it really necessary? He came all this way just to propose to me? He bought me a beautiful ring just for me? And I thought we were taking a break, basically a forever break where no one is dating each other until the end of time. That is why I moved, that is why I’m here in California and not in New York, because he and I are over, right?

            But as I gaze into his gorgeous blue eyes that has made me sunk to my knees in awe since the day we met, I can’t help but feel amazed at him. He’s amazing and he’s always been amazing. He’s been kind to me, gentle; he’s loved me forever or at least that’s what I know, but he’s also sweet and welcoming, and he gave me a home.

            How can I not say anything? He’s the man I love and I’m just stuttering my ass off with no solid answer. Why am I doing this? Finally, I close my eyes and wait a second. He’s probably thinking that I’m going to refuse to marry him because of all we have been through.

            I take a deep breath and say, “Yes.”

            I’m able to hear my parents squeal at the sight of Errik and I engaged.

He stands on his feet and puts the ring on my finger. The last time I had a ring on was the one that was Kenton’s, and it feels weird wearing another man’s engagement ring, but with the sight of it, I shake it off with a smile. Errik kisses me and afterwards, he says, “I do have a surprise for ya that’s waiting outside.”

Nodding, I quickly put on sandals by the door as we walk outside. In the long U-shaped driveway is a limousine and poking out at the top of the sunroof is Jessie, Periwinkle, and Freddy. I grin and say, “What’s this?” My mind is dizzy from all the excitement and mysteries that hold within whatever Errik has planned.

“I don’t feel like waiting, to be honest. So in the next few hours, yer gonna get ready for yer wedding. I have everything set—the priest, band, reception, people, the whole nine yards.”

“How did you get a priest and everything in the last few weeks that I’ve been here?” I ask. I feel confused that a lot has happened.

“You used to go to church in New York, right?” he begins.

I nod.

“Well, I called down yer old priest and he agreed to do it. I have a few friends that have a band, and they agreed as well. I talked with yer mother and how we can use her place for the reception and I just invited at least everyone we possibly know, and Lauren has called all the relatives ya know and love as did I.”

I kiss him again and say, “Thank you so much!” I’m thrilled to have this happen.

We get inside the limo with my parents and we all head to the church my mother goes to, that I used to go to when I lived here. Periwinkle and Jessie leads me to a room that has my wedding dress. It’s the dress I was going to wear for the wedding I was going to have with Kenton, and I thought I gave it away but I suppose one of the girls kept it all this time—especially Jessie since she fell in love with the dress at first sight, basically.

“Your parents are getting ready but in different rooms, where Periwinkle and I get ready as well,” Jessie explains. “This is your room, you need to get ready now, but you can take your time.”

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