Subconscious Chapter 9 ~ Escape

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Zayn pulled out his cell phone and checked the time. We had remained trapped in the elevator for about 30 minutes. Niall had calmed down tremendously. 

"Zayn, can I play a game on your phone?" Niall begged, outstretching his hands toward the Pakistani boy. 

"After I call for help, you can play all you want." Zayn smiled down at the Irish boy.

Niall giggled and nodded, folding his hands in his lap. I decided to sit beside him and play a game to take his mind off our predicament. 

"Truth or Dare, Nialler?" I asked, resting my hand on Niall's knee. 

He nodded and laughed. "We have to play my way." 

"How do we play your way?" I giggled, watching the boy blush. 

"Well, my way is actually called Truth. You ask me a deep, personal question, and I have to answer, no matter how embarrassing. First one who passes on a question loses the game. There's no time limit, Megs. We could play for days. Whenever we're together."

"Deal. You ask first!" 

"If you could change anything about your past, what would it be?" He flashed me a grin. 

"My parents." I didn't need to think twice. "How about you?"

"This whole thing." Niall looked at me sadly. "Your turn."

"What troubles you the most?" I asked, looking into his eyes, noticing how similar they looked to mine.

"Small spaces." He glanced around and laughed, his eyes lighting up with joy. "You?"

"Not knowing what's going to happen next." I looked around at the four boys surrounding me.

We went on for about ten minutes before we felt the elevator shudder to life. It lurched downward, weakening the knees of everyone who stood. The doors opened, and just at the bottom of the elevator, a slim space showed. Light shone through, giving all of us a small sense of hope. 

"Air!" Niall shouted, breathing in deeply.

I laughed at the crazy boy, who feared he would suffocate. I felt a hand on my shoulder, whirling around to see Louis. 

"He's gonna be just fine." 

"He'll be better after this. I think I might be claustrophobic now, though." Liam chuckled, watching Niall inhale deeply.

The elevator lurched upward, the sliver of light disappearing, reducing Niall to tears. I rubbed my small hand up and down his back, trying to cease his hyperventilating. Harry reached over my head and pressed the emergency button again, causing the elevator to drop quickly, only to stop abruptly. Harry's fist smashed the OPEN DOOR button, and the doors slid open, revealing the lobby of the hotel. Niall jumped up, sprinting out of the elevator and up to the service desk, panting. 

"You really should get that thing looked at." His breath seemed short, his words stacattoed by gasps for air. 

"Sorry, Miss! You're elevator was jammed for quite a while." I jogged after Niall, watching him dash out into the fresh air. 

"I'll have mechanics come!" She called after me, watching as I chased after Niall.

"We're checking out." I heard Zayn talking to the lady at the desk. "Here." He handed her money and walked outside behind Niall and I. 

"Can we ride in your car?" I asked, looking at Zayn.

"Nope, you have to walk, Samson." Harry winked at me.

I playfully punched him in the chest. "Styles, haven't you messed with me enough?" I laughed and hopped in Zayn's car.

"Wait, Harry, if you didn't drive, how'd you get here?" Louis tilted his head to the side in confusion.

"Cab." He mumbled, looking down at the pavement.

*at Megan's flat*


I looked around the flat, not noticing anything new. The familiar scent of perfume and coffee overwhelmed me, sending me spiraling into memories. 


Megan laughed at another one of my stupid jokes, her blue eyes lighting up. I sipped from my mug of tea and pulled her close to me, feeling her body against mine. 

"I love you, Harry." She looked up at me, planting a butterfly kiss on my nose after poking my dimples with her finger. 

"I love you too, darling." I ran my fingers through my curls, softly tugging at the chocolate strands.

"Harry, will you stay with me tonight?" I watched her pull her bottom lip in between her teeth. 

I nodded, pulling her into a long hug. I let the small girl wrap her skinny arms around my torso as she rested her sleepy head on my chest. We fell asleep there, on the couch. I carefully set both of our mugs on the coffee table and let her hair down. Her wavy brown hair fell from the loose ponytail and cascaded down her back. 

"Goodnight, Megan." I smiled and softly kissed her dormant lips. 

*end of flashback*

I slipped off my brown boots and laid them right inside the door alongside Megan's sandals from when she would visit over the summer. I smiled at all of the great adventures we had, at all of the wonderful memories we had made. I saw her guitar on its stand beside the couch, a pick wedged between the strings. Megan dashed up the stairs, giggling like crazy. 

"Ahh. I can't wait to change!" She exclaimed, running upstairs. 

Louis ran up the stairs behind her, grabbing her by the waist. "Are they dating?" I turned to Liam. 

"I'm not sure. I know they love each other, though." Liam watched them race up the carpetted stairs, chasing after one another. 


Once Megan and I reached her room, I slipped my arms around her waist, planting soft kisses on her face. She gave me a light kiss on my lips, making my heart flutter.

"Megan, I love you." I whispered, pulling away. 

"I love you too, Louis." She buried her blushing face in the crook of my neck.

"I think we should go out sometime." I felt bold, the confidence from her kiss fueling my passion.

"I think that'd be great." She smiled, kissing me on the cheek.

Megan slipped out of her leggings and pulled on a pair of light wash skinny jeans. She stripped off her sweater along with my hoodie simultaneously. She slipped on a white tee shirt and pulled my hoodie back on. She blushed, watching my eyes go up and down her body. She opened the bottom drawer of her dresser and pulled out a pair of my black chinos along with one of my white tee shirts. She tossed me the clothes, smiling. 

"You kept my clothes?" I gasped.

"I like your shirts." She smiled at me innocently. "I wear them to bed." Her smile transformed into a smirk. 

I pulled on the clothes and raced Megan back downstairs. "I won!" She bragged, sticking her tongue. 

"Shh." I pressed a finger to her lips, silencing her. 

"No!" She laughed, kissing my lips. 

"Wait, so are you two dating?" Harry questioned, looking at Megan.

Megan nodded at Harry, and then turned to me. "Louis, can we go to sleep?"

"Sure, love."

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