Subconscious Chapter 11 ~ Bad Boy, Good Man

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*a week later*

I smiled at Harry, watching him humming Almost Lover by A Fine Frenzy as he brewed his morning mug of tea. He took the steaming mug and poured milk and sugar in it, mixing it gingerly. My brain wandered, remembering all the times where he would make two mugs of tea instead of just one. It's hard to resist a bad boy who acts like a gentleman just for you.

"What was that, Megs?" Harry tossed me a smirk.

I clapped a hand over my mouth. "You heard that, didn't you?"

He nodded and laughed. "I'm getting some of these removed today." He looked down at his arms.

"Really?" I felt shock wash over me. "Why? Don't they have some kind of special meaning to you?"

He shook his head, shame overtaking his face. "I was so upset one day. I went into the parlor and told the guy to completely ink my arms."

"Isn't tattoo removal really expensive?"

"Yeah, but it's worth it." He looked at me before rolling his sleeves down.

I smiled and looked at him, feeling his green eyes examine me.

"How's everything going with Lou?" He looked at me, a shade of pink creeping onto his cheeks.

"It's going great, actually. I'm really happy with him." I watched Harry's large hand rub the back of his neck as his eyes scanned the tile floor.

"That's nice." He tossed me a fake smile, his dimples showing.

"Harry, what's wrong? Don't you know you can't fake smiles around me?"

"I'm trying to change for you, Megan. It's not going to matter, though. You have him. He has you, and I'm all alone." His sorrow showed, making me want to cry.

"Oh, Harry. Louis and I aren't officially dating, I don't think. It's just a thing to see how it would go if we did."

"It is?" Louis entered the kitchen. "I never knew that."

"Lou, that was how I interpreted it. I'm sorry, love."

"It's okay. I understand." His blue-green eyes welled up with tears.

"Boo Bear, don't cry, please." I pulled him into my arms, feeling like the worst person on Earth.

"I love you, Megan. I don't care how far I have to go to show you that. I will make you mine, and you won't ever leave me in tears again." A smile crept across his face, courage running strongly through his veins.

"Louis, go make some coffee. Harry and I have to talk about something, okay babe?" I looked at him.

He nodded and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into a kiss before heading for the coffee maker. I grabbed Harry's hand and led him into the living room where Liam, Niall and Zayn slept. He sat me on the couch, looking into my eyes.

"Megan, would you be willing to try again?" He giggled and stuck out his bottom lip, pouting.

"What about Louis?" I asked, feeling my heart drop into my stomach.

"He's been talking to Eleanor a lot lately. I think he'd be just fine." Harry tossed me a smirk. 

I watched his dimples appear, a sense of security settling down deep inside me. I nodded, unable to find words. I felt butterfly kisses on top of my head; Harry's lips sent me back a years, remembering how we dated. He leaned in close to me, pulling me into his arms. 

"I love you. I never stopped loving you. Not once." I saw a red hue creep up his cheeks.

"I stopped for a while, but I think my heart's back at it again, Harry." I smiled and kissed his cheek.


I walked out into the living room, finding Megan and Harry snuggling up together on the couch under a blanket. My heart sank as I watched the new couple. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket multiple times. 

"El?" I asked, holding the phone up to my ear.

"Louis, I need help, really badly. Please come over to my house. I'm in a lot of pain. I already called an ambulance, but I don't want to- I can't go alone, Lou."

"I'll be right over." My heart sank even further as I pulled on my jacket and shoes. 

"Where are you going, Louis?" Zayn looked at me.

"El's. She's hurt and something's really wrong over there. I might not be back for a while." I frantically grabbed a set of car keys and rushed outside, the cool air calming the inferno inside my chest. 

"Should we come with you?" I heard Liam's shout, and in response, I slammed the door. 

I got in the car and twisted the key in the ignition. I cranked up my radio and began the five minute drive to Eleanor's house. I pulled into El's driveway to see an ambulance already there. I hopped out of my car, making sure I hadn't blocked the ambulance's way. I sprinted inside, yelling.

"El?" I screamed. 

"Louis?" She called, her voice weak and sad.

I ran around until I found Eleanor, surrounded by paramedics. "What's wrong with her?" I asked, my voice faltering. 

"I fell." 

"From where, El?" I looked down at the model below me. 

"The stairs." She glanced around, looking disoriented. 

"Sir, what did she hurt?" I asked, looking at him hopefully. 

"Her head, and she might have a sprained wrist."

"Ow!" Eleanor yelled as a man touched her wrist.


I looked down at Megan, who had fallen asleep. Her head pressed into my chest, soft puffs of air warming a small area on my torso. I planted a quick kiss on her cheek, careful not to stir her. I watched Niall stand up from the chair across the room before glancing at the clock.

"It's only 3, Harry. How is she asleep?" Niall's eyes flew to Megan.

"Is she okay?" Zayn asked, looking at me with worry deep inside his eyes.

"I don't know, actually." I glanced down at Megan, realizing how pale her face seemed. 

She began coughing, her body shaking violently as coughs sawed at her lungs. She sat up as her eyes flew open. She gripped her chest, her coughs persisting. 

"Megs?" Niall knelt beside her, watching her blue eyes shine with fear. 

She patted her chest with her hand, a scared look in her eyes. I shot up, knowing what happened. I ran into the kitchen, rummaging through her medicine cabinet, finally finding what she needed. I walked back into the room, finding Megan sitting with her head between her knees. Her back quaked with every strained breath.

"What's wrong with her, Harry?" Liam questioned, his hands rubbing Megan's back. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2014 ⏰

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