Subconscious Chapter 5 ~ Detained

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I woke up to sirens and flashing red and blue lights. Fear ran through me as I pulled on my brown boots and thought, Man these things are old. Memories flooded back. I remembered the boys on tour and the way they would tell jokes on the planes. I remembered and contemplated, giving the police enough time to barge into my flat, leaving me no escape. I walked out into the living room, hands up, feelings down. Tears streamed down my face when I saw Zayn and Niall standing with the cops. 

"I'm sorry." I cried, looking at them. "I didn't mean to hit you boys. I just want- I just need to find her." 

"No you don't, Mr. Styles. You need to come with us." An officer dangled a pair of handcuffs in front of me, the metallic luster cluing me in on my fate. 

My mind wandered back to the night after the bar. I dangled handcuffs in front of Megan. "You know why I brought you here, right?" My awfully cunning words rang in my head as I felt the cold metal cuffs lock around my wrists. 

"Karma's a bitch, isn't she?" I muttered as the officer guided me to his police car, shoving me in the back seat. 


I collapsed into Zayn's arms, tears flowing harder than ever. "I can't believe we just arrested Harry." 

"Everyone's gonna be safe now."

"We have to find Megan and Louis and Liam." I whimpered. "Zayn! There was a hotel across from the gas station! They're probably there!" I gasped at my sudden realization. 

"Let's go!" Zayn grabbed my hand and the car keys and we drove to the hotel.

"Is there a Louis Tomlinson, Megan Samson, or a Liam Payne staying here?" Zayn asked politely. 

The lady at the front desk nodded and gave us their room number. We dashed up the stairs, ascending to the second floor. I ran down the hall, screeching to a halt at door number 226. I pounded on the door with my fist, immediately getting an answer. The door opened, revealing Megan hiding behind Louis. She screamed at the sight of us. 

"Get out!" She yelled.

"Megan, we have to talk." Zayn's voice faltered, his pain evident.

"Go away, please." She begged, still hiding behind Louis. 

"Louis, may we come in?" I asked politely. 

"Sure, Niall." Louis smiled unsurely and led us into their suite.

"Louis, what the hell?" She screamed, waking a sleeping Liam.

"They've been crying. Something happened." Louis knew us so well.

"What's all the yelling about-" Liam stopped talking when he saw us. "What are you doing here? How did you get in? Leave!" He shouted, breaking my heart. 

"Liam, please don't yell at us." I whimpered.

"Why are you here?" He spat.

"We got Harry arrested. He reported him on three charges. He was hurting us." I felt searing anger course through me.

Megan eyed me strangely. She grabbed my chin and turned my face, giving her a full view of my bruise. She looked at Zayn, expecting him to back up my statement. He lifted his shirt for the third time that night, our secret spilling out. Louis's face went white and Liam had to walk away. Megan just stood and stared. She held up her two wrists, showing us identical scars on each wrist about an inch wide. 

"The cuffs." She muttered, tears welling up in her eyes. 

She stopped herself and looked at me. "I need to hit something." Her voice teemed with harsh, raw anger. 

I grabbed a thick pillow from the couch and held it up for her. She balled up her fist and threw a punch, her anger seeping through her skin with every hit. After about ten punches, she took the pillow and held it up for me. I hit it 22 times: once for every year of Harry's life. Zayn then took a swing at it, only needing one punch to expend his anger. 

"I'm so sorry, guys." I felt angry tears roll down my cheeks. 

"Niall, he forced you into it. I'm safe now. We're all safe now." She wiped my tears, carefully avoiding putting pressure on my swollen face. 

"Will you stay?" Megan looked up at me, her eyes taking in my new purple streak. "No tattoos, right, Ni?" She questioned. 

I shook my head and sat on the couch, sighing. "I have a weird feeling this isn't over yet." 

"I need a drink." Zayn pounded his thigh with his fist, wincing at the contact.

"No you don't, Zaynie." Liam pressed a palm against Zayn's chest, calming him. 

Zayn pulled him into a hug. "I've missed you so much, Li." 

"We should all get a house together." I heard Liam say, his hands exploring Zayn's back. 

I felt the couch dip beside me as Megan sat down. "Where else did he hurt you?" She whispered. 

"Here." I pointed to my heart, letting my tears fall. "And here." I held up my wrists, showing Megan the many cuts I had made. 

"You did it too?" Her eyes grew wide, the color of her orbs matching mine. 

I nodded, pulling her into my arms. She stretched her sleeves over her hands, as if she didn't want anyone to discover her secret. I heard a whimper from behind us and saw Louis crying. 

He gaped at both of us, grabbing our wrists. "Show me." He demanded.

We both rolled up our sleeves, holding up our wrists. "Let me count how many times you needed me and I wasn't there." He took my wrist in his soft hands and counted the slits on the left and then the right. 

He repeated his actions with Megan, but he kissed her lips when he finished counting. "You should have told me." 

His fingers ruffled his hair, tugging at the chestnut strands. "Louis, it helped me." She whimpered. 

"But it's killing me!" He cried, hopping over the back of the couch, sitting between Megan and I. 

"Louis, we promise to be clean from this night on." I chimed in, looking into his blue-green eyes. 

He nodded and hugged me tightly. "I missed you, Nialler."

"This is too emotional." I heard Liam's voice crack as he began to cry. 

He curled up with Zayn on the other side of the couch, laying in his arms. I rested my head in Lou's lap and watched Megan lay her head on his chest after planting a kiss on his lips. We slept like this, not wanting to ever split up again. 

"I love you guys." I whispered before closing my eyes and drifting off into a sleep laden with nightmares. 

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