Subconscious Chapter 7 ~ Back Home

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As I walked out into the living room of the hotel suite, I felt eyes all over me, scanning my face. 

"Bye, Harry." Louis whimpered. 

"Bye, Boo Bear." I whined, memories of Larry Stylinson flooding my brain. 

I couldn't take the pain anymore. I pulled out my phone and dialed the police station, putting the phone on speaker. 

"I'm turning myself in, officer. I plead guilty to every accused charge." I sighed.

"You're doing the right thing, Mr. Styles. Thank you. We have a police car on the way to get you. We have your location, so please stay where you are."

"Okay." I hung up the phone and began to cry as I pulled open the door to leave the room. 

"Harry?" I heard Niall whimpering behind me.

"Yeah, Niall?" I turned to find him with tears in his eyes. 

"Why did you do this?" He cried, his face portraying unfathomable sorrow.

"I honestly don't know, buddy. But I'm going to jail now. I'll be gone for a long time. Hopefully by the time I get out you guys will have forgiven me. Maybe we can go back to being friends then." I turned to walk away, but I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Harry, I could never be mad at you. I forgive you." Niall's words shocked me. "I know the old you. I know something went wrong in your head. I know this isn't you. Harry you can't let them take you away!" Niall began to weep, clinging to me. 

"Niall, what I did was wrong. I need to pay for what I did." I emphasized the word pay. 

"Pay..." Niall's voice trailed off. "Bail! Harry we can bail you out of jail!" 

"I don't deserve it." I sulked.

"Harry! We have to ask the boys if they'll chip in. I believe in you." Niall's face lit up with joy. 

I heard a loud, forceful knock on the door to the hotel suite. We opened the door, revealing a tall officer. 

"Mr. Styles, come with me." He commanded.

"Wait!" Niall cried. "How much would it take to bail him out?"

"About $250,000." The officer stated, throwing Niall a confused look. "Weren't you one of the boys who turned him in?"

"Yeah I am, but we just realized a lot of things. We'll have the money to you as soon as possible." Niall smiled at me. 

"We need it in a week. Have a good day, kids." The officer smiled warily at us. 

I felt arms wrap around me, the pale skin belonging to Niall. "Harry, we did it. We saved you." 

I felt eyes on the back of my head. I whirled around to see Megan staring at me, anger in her eyes. Zayn had an arm around Megan's waist, his dark eyes gazing at her. She glared at me, then Niall. She buried her face in Zayn's chest, and her breathing grew heavy. Zayn's hands ran up and down her back, slowing her rapid breathing. She cuddled up to him, her body pressing against his. 

"Niall, are we really bailing out Harry?" Louis asked, looking at Niall.

Niall nodded, earning a questioning stare from Liam. I unhooked Niall's arms from my torso and sat down on the couch, suddenly feeling sick. Megan walked over to me and sat by my side. 

"You really are sorry, aren't you?" She asked, resting her hand on my knee.

I shivered at the contact. "Of course I am. I was drunk and in love. I wanted you to love me back. I had too much whiskey, and my brain was clouded by love. I know what I did was wrong, really wrong. I just hope you can forgive me."

"Harry, you know how irresistable you are." She looked at me, her gaze softening. 

"You forgive me?" I felt a wave of shock wash over me. 

"Harry, it was more than a year ago. I don't forgive you yet, but we can be friends." She curled up in my lap, her skinny arms wrapping around me. 

"Megan, even after what I did to you?" I still felt the shock.

"Of course, Harry. You know I loved you, right?"

"I still love you." I looked into her piercing blue eyes, the familiar color calming my crazy emotions. 

Megan just sighed, kissed my cheek and walked away. "You're still an asshole, Harry."

"Thanks, love." I laughed, laying my head on a pillow and drifting off to sleep. 


I grabbed a bag of ice from the freezer and pressed it against the swollen bruise on my face. I wanted to rid of the memory as soon as I could. I winced as the cold ice made contact with my skin. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around to see Zayn standing there. He stretched his arms out above his head and yawned, smiling at me warily. I flashed him a smile, watching his hand outstretch to hold my makeshift ice pack to my cheek. I thanked him and stretched my arm.

"Louis!" I heard Megan laughing hysterically. 

Zayn and I ventured into the bedroom to find the two friends on the bed having a tickle fight. 

"Seriously?" Zayn laughed, looking at them strangely. 

"I just wanted to get changed!" Megan giggled as Louis tickled her hips. 

"Megs, you don't have clothes with you." Louis protested, moving his hands to tickle her stomach. 

"Exactly!" She laughed, thrashing underneath Louis.

"What?" Zayn began to chuckle, watching Lou and Megan.

"Louis said he'd take me to get some clothes! I have some at his flat." She giggled, kicking her legs.

She grabbed Louis by his shoulders and flipped him over, so she hovered over him, a menacing grin on her face. She began to tickle him under his arms, then moving to his sides and his stomach, just like he had done to her. Louis let out a yell, letting Megan know he'd had enough. She climbed off of him after kissing his cheek. 

"I think I won." She boasted, letting Louis snake his arms around her small waist. 

"Yes you did, love." Louis planted a soft kiss on her cheek, pulling her closer to him. "Wanna go get your clothes now? We could all stay at my place rather than pay for this hotel room." He suggested, looking deeply into Megan's eyes. 

She nodded, stifling a yawn. Louis pulled her to her feet as he stood up beside her. We all walked out into the living room, finding Harry and Liam asleep, draped over each other. Liam's head laid on Harry's chest, and Harry had his arm slung over Liam's chest. I smiled at them, loving the way Harry had made his way back into our lives. 

"I'm glad Harry is back home." Zayn whispered, careful not to wake the curly haired boy.

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