Subconscious Chapter 10 ~ Words Unspoken

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I sat on my bed, reading my old journal, waiting for Louis to finish showering. I read a quote that I had written down, contemplating it.

Go where there is no path, and leave a trail. 

Beneath it, I had written a rebuttal.

What will happen when the world becomes overrun with trails? Where will people choose to go? Will uniqueness disappear?

I laughed at my response to the quote. I heard the bathroom door open, and saw Louis dressed in gym shorts and a long sleeve shirt. His hair still dripped with water, its color darker than before. He walked over and sat beside me on my bed, looking over my shoulder at the things I had written. 

"Any of these about me?" He questioned, smiling down at the journal. 

I blushed and flipped to a page I had folded over. 

We accept the love we think we deserve.

I love him more than anyone I have ever claimed to love. He has never put me down or treated me unfairly. I know he deserves better than me, but I feel like I deserve... I need him more than anything. I need him like I need air or water. I love him like I love music, or dancing in the rain. He makes me feel free. He allows me to express myself in ways I could never have dreamt of. He makes Megan Samson who she really is. I just wish I had the courage to tell him how I feel. Louis James Tomlinson is the one whose love I feel like I deserve.

"Louis, I love you." I whispered, feeling his eyes on the back of my head. 

My insecurities grew when he didn't answer me. "Louis?" My heart sank into my stomach.

I heard him sigh sadly as he read the date on the page. "You and Harry were still dating when you wrote this, weren't you?" 

"Yeah. I remember writing this. Harry and I got into a fight and I called you, remember?" I turned around to look at Louis, seeing tears flowing down his cheeks.

"Yeah, I do. You were so upset. We talked on the phone all night, from like 6 until the morning."

"You saved my life, Lou." 

"I, what?" He wiped his tears and looked at me. 

He grabbed my wrists, looking down at them. "You made these that night, didn't you?" 

I nodded, attempting to pull my arms from his grasp. "I was sitting here, on this bed. I had gauze wrapped around both wrists while we were on the phone."

"Megan, you didn't tell me." Louis looked ashamed.

"I couldn't. I wasn't ready, Lou." 

Louis just nodded and took my journal from my lap, his blue-green eyes scanning the page once more. "You know, this is beautiful." 

He closed the book and put it on my nightstand. "Goodnight, Megan."

Just as Louis kissed me goodnight and curled up beside me, thunder shook the entire flat. I shuddered in Lou's arms. He squeezed me tightly, knowing how I feared thunder storms. We fell asleep in each other's arms, thunder, lightning and rain rattling the flat. In the middle of the night, I woke to the bedroom door opening. In walked Niall, scared and shaking.

"Megan?" He whispered, seeing how Louis laid unconscious. "Could I lay with you?"

I nodded and held out my arms for him. He crawled into the large, king sized bed and curled up in my arms. 

"You hate these things too?" I whispered, careful not to wake Louis.

Niall nodded, quickly glancing over at Louis. "No one else was awake."

He smiled at me, his white teeth shining through the dark. I curled up in his arms, letting him hold me tightly while thunder shook the house. With a loud crack, lightning lit up the night sky, waking Louis, who let out a yell. I crawled over to him, resting my head on his chest.

"It's okay, Louis. It was just lightning."

Louis head turned to look out the window. "Okay, Megan." His sleepy voice made it hard to resist the urge to kiss him.

"Hey, Nialler." Louis looked at Niall, smiling at the younger boy.

*in the morning*


I smiled as Niall, Louis and Megan all came downstairs, yawning and rubbing their eyes. Just then, we heard a knock at the door, and when I answered, I saw a familiar man.

"Simon? What are you doing here?" I asked, looking at him.

"I have some bad news, boys." He frowned, waiting for all of us to come to the door.

"Come inside." I motioned for him to enter, so I could close the door.

"Hello, Megan!" Simon greeted Megan with a rare smile.

Megan stifled a yawn and smiled.

"Anyway, boys, I have news. Bad news." Simon's face brimmed with sorrow.

"What's wrong, Simon?" Liam questioned, his hands shifting nervously in his lap.

"The press caught wind of this little problem, Harry. They're twisting everything upside-down and backwards."   

"What are they saying?" I asked, my face burning red with anger.

"The headline today was: Harry Styles, A Rapist?" 

I stood up and walked out of the room, breathing heavily. I couldn't believe the media. They always ruined the lives of celebrities. I knew I didn't have a spotless record, but did the press always have to draw it out into a long, twisted tale? I stomped into the kitchen, anger flowing through me. I reached into the cabinet and pulled out a short glass. I grabbed a tall bottle of Grey Goose and poured myself a glass and re-entered the living room.

"You're already being accused for enough bad things, Harold. Give me that." Zayn took the glass from me before exiting the room. 

He dumped the alcohol into the sink and hid the vodka from me. "It was for the best, Harry." He laughed as I stuck out my bottom lip.

"Harry, if you want to fix this, you need to have a public affair with Megan. Let the media know she isn't afraid of you. That will take their attention off the rape case. Trust me. I know the media better than anyone does."

"But, Simon, Louis and Megan are already dating."

"That's even better! They can advertise their relationship, showing the press how Megan isn't scared of love anymore." Simon stood up and left, leaving the six of us dumbfounded.

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