Here's the thing
You're in love with a version of a person
That you've created in your head
That you are trying to but cannot fix
Uh, the only thing you can fix is yourself
I love you, this has gone on way too long
Enough is enough
I'm two blocks away, I'm coming over
in my head|Ariana GrandeDream
in my head by Ariana Grande played through the speaker in my room while I cleaned my room. It had been a minute since I had cleaned it and it desperately needed to."Look at you, boy, I invented you, Gucci tennis shoes, running from your issues." I sang along with her mopping the floor.
My phone rang causing me to groan. Taking it out my pocket I looked and seen it was Kayla before answering. "Yes Kayla?"
"Don't you wanna come to my momma house with me? This lady swear that I don't come and see her no more." She nagged into the phone.
"I'm cleaning my room right now. When do you think that you'll be here?" I asked putting the mop back into the bucket.
"Umm, maybe tomorrow. I'm pretty busy today. I just got off work and I'm about to get my nails done." she said picking at her nails.
"Okay then just let me know what time you're coming so that I can be ready."
"You're the greatest. Kisses." she said making a kissing face into the phone and I did the same before hanging up.
"Family meeting!" my mom called out and I groaned taking the mop downstairs with me before going into the family room where Mom, Dad, Dillyn, Kiyah, Lucas, and Samantha were.
I sat on the other side of Lucas since Samantha sat in my seat. "Hey guys." I waved getting comfortable.
Samantha did nothing but mug me and roll her eyes and I frowned. I literally had no problem with her and she had the biggest one with me.
"Wassup Little One." Lucas said. I smiled and waved again.
"Hey best." Kiyah smiled blowing me a kiss in which I returned.
"Hey my baby." my dad said and I gave him a smile.
"Wassup, now let's get to the reason I called this family meeting." Dillyn said holding Kiyah hand.
"Oh you called it." Damia said over the FaceTime call. "Kiyah must be pregnant."
"Shiddd." Kiyah scoffed. "Rubbers are my best friend."
"Watch your mouth." Mom scolded and Kiyah apologized. "Now what's the big news?"
"Should we say it together?" Kiyah asked Dillyn who nodded.
"On three. One, two, three." Dillyn counted.
"We got our own apartment!" they yelled together and I clapped happily for them.
"That's great." Mom beamed. "Let's go order some stuff." she grabbed Kiyah pulling her out the room causing us to laugh.
"Don't buy too much! I wanna help too!" Damia said from the phone making us laugh even more.
"I'm proud of you son. Good head on your shoulders, great girlfriend, steady job & got your own crib? Aw man I'm scared of you." Dad chuckled giving him a hug.
"Thank you, thank you." Dillyn smiled. "Y'all wanna go see the crib?" he asked turning towards us.
"Yes, I have to. Let me go put on some shoes." I said getting up.
"Put on some clothes too, it's Chicago, it's cold." Dillyn said and Lucas chuckled.
"Please don't start today." I pouted.
"I'm not starting nothing. Hurry up before I leave you." he waved me off.
Huffing, I went upstairs and threw on a pair of ripped jeans, a random jacket and some high top red Vans. Going back downstairs I noticed that Dillyn and Samantha was gone and Lucas was coming out the kitchen.
"You ready?" he asked.
"Yes. Come on." I nodded and walked out the door with him following.
Dillyn house was nice. 2 bedroom. Their master room and a room for Kiyah to do her make-up. Nice sized living room and kitchen. It fit them."Y'all wanna stay for a while?" Dill asked sitting next to me at the island in the kitchen. They had already had bar stools and a T.V in there.
"Yeah that's fine." I shrugged scrolling down my Instagram.
"Ight we finna slide to Pizza Hut real fast." Lucas said grabbing the keys.
"Can you make sure get a pepperoni pizza." I said.
"Ew, get sausage. Pepperoni is disgusting." Samantha fake gagged.
"Sausage is nasty." I shrugged. "Maybe, Lu, get 2 pizzas. One sausage and one pepperoni." I said. I wasn't going to argue about pizza. We each have our own opinions and are able to express them.
"Cool. We'll be back." Lucas said leaving after Dillyn.
"Stop putting eyes on my man." Samantha said mugging me causing me to frown.
"Excuse me?"
"And his name is Lucas not Lu. So address him as." she said walking away.
"If he doesn't have a problem with it, why do you?" I questioned.
"Because bitch! Stop flirting with my man before I beat ya ass!" she yelled coming back getting in my face.
"Nobody is flirting with Lucas. Get out of my face Samantha." I said rolling my eyes.
"Beat my ass then." she shot back.
I wasn't a fighter and I wasn't about to turn into one today. "You're being really extra right now."
"BEAT MY ASS THEN!" she screamed and the door opened.
"What's going on?" Lucas asked.
"Tell her stop flirting with you." Samantha huffed.
"I leave for 2 minutes and come back and you about to fight this girl. Grow up Samatha she not flirting with me. Let's go." he said pulling her out the door. "I'm sorry about her."
"It's fine." I smiled softly.
"It's not. Please don't tell your friends. I don't need any problems." he pleaded.
"Same here. You got my word." I said and he nodded before leaving out.

Deeply In Love. (LucasColy) |Revamped|✔️
Teen FictionDeeply In Love from 2016 with a twist :) One fight leads to the changing of Lucas and Dream lives for a good part. Through the bumps and the curves, how will they end up falling Deeply In Love?