Deeply In Love from 2016 with a twist :)
One fight leads to the changing of Lucas and Dream lives for a good part. Through the bumps and the curves, how will they end up falling Deeply In Love?
I'm in their second hand smoke Still just drinking canned coke I don't need a xanny to feel better On designated drives home Only one who's not stoned Don't give me a xanny now or ever xanny|Billie Eilish
Dream Looking around I shook my head. Kayla and Kiyah drug me to a party to be their designated driver. This wasn't my scene and they knew it I just wanted them to be safe though.
It was a boring house party, I kept one AirPod in and one out just in case anything happened. I sat on the end of the couch where no one was sitting and proceeded to scroll on Facebook.
"Why you all alone over here, ma?" some dude asked coming over to me sitting down.
"Because, I don't want to be here. I'm okay though." I smiled nicely hoping that he would get the hint to leave me alone.
"I could tell by your face. If you don't wanna be here, then why are you?" he asked.
"Designated driver."
"Damnnn. That used to be me before I actually started drinking." He laughed and another dude came over.
"Y'all need these? They'll loosen ya up." he said holding up a baggie filled with pills making the dude who was talking to me smack his lips.
"E, man if you don't get yo ole drugged up ass outta here I'mma knock your shit back." he said and the E dude raised his hands in defense before going off to offer someone else the pills.
"Thanks for that." I smiled small.
"No problem ma. I'm Jayceon tho." he said holding his hand out and I shook it.
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"Well, Dream, Imma stick with you for the rest of the party so these niggas won't try and get over on you. You seem nice and they'll take that shit for granted in an instance." he shook his head and I nodded understanding where he was coming from. It was something that I was always told.
"Won't your friends miss you?" I asked. I seriously didn't want him missing out on a party just to sit here with me.
"This my house, my brother threw this party. I'm not really missing shit." he shrugged.
"Oh, okay." I said getting back on my phone.
The rest of the night he basically had me laughing and enjoying his company. Around 3 was when the girls decided that they wanted to go home. And after helping drunk and drunker into the car, I was still talking to Jay.
"Okay how about this, you take my number and if you decide that you still want to talk to me, you can just text me. Is that cool with you?" he asked grabbing my hand and a pen out his pocket.
"That's fine." I nodded and he proceeded to write his number on my hand.
"Get that number sisss." Kiyah slurred putting her head out the window and I covered my face in embarrassment.
"It's cool." he chuckled. "I already know how it is, remember I used to be the designated driver too. You make it home safely tho, ma." he said opening the door for me and I got into the car.
"Thank you for keeping me company." I smiled.
"No problem. Be safe again." he tapped the hood of the car before stepping back and watching me pull away.
The whole ride home, Kiyah was all in my ear about Jay and Kayla was knocked out in the backseat not even noticing that we had left the party. They are lucky to have a good friend like me. --------------------- The sound of the door bell going off made me wake up. I groaned rolling over checking my phone that was on the floor next to the couch I was laying on.
After helping Kiyah and Kayla into the house, I helped them into my room and ended up coming down to the living room and falling asleep on the couch.
Checking the time I frowned. It was 8:57 in the morning, what could someone possibly want? My parents weren't here because they were on their yearly vacation that was without us.
"Who is it?" I called out before looking into the peep hole to see Samantha making me frown instantly. I haven't talked to her since she had gotten all loud in my face a few days ago.
"Samantha." she said back and I opened the door. "Good morning."
"Good morning." I yawned. "Can I help you?"
"I came to apologize. I shouldn't have came into your face like that. It wasn't necessary at all." she said sounding untruthful.
"If you don't really mean it, don't say it. I've moved on past that." I said.
"Okay well I'm not really sorry, I think it's just the right thing to do."
"It's not really the right thing to do if you don't mean it. You're wasting your breath." I said shrugging. "Like I said, I've moved past it. Have a good rest of your day."
"I should've just beat your ass." she mumbled as I closed the door.
I feel bad that she's so insecure. She's a pretty girl but that attitude of her's sucked and she really needs help with it.
"She wanna fight?" Kiyah asked from behind me and I jumped because she scared me.
"Jesus." I said holding my chest. "You can't be doing that to me."
"Answer my question. Do she wanna fight?" she asked again this time she was tying her hair up.
"No, she's just going through something." I lied. I really didn't want any drama.
"No, what did she do that she was apologizing for?" Kayla asked coming into the doorway.
"It was nothing. Guys please." I pleaded.
"What did she do?!" they yelled at the same time making me jump.
"She got into my face talking about something with Lucas and tried to fight me." I mumbled and they nodded.
"She ain't pull off yet. Let's go." Kayla said pushing me out the way before going outside with Kiyah following her.
Where is the hang over?
It was no secret that Kayla didn't like Samantha and didn't care to beat her up again. I watched from the door as they took their turns beating Samantha hopelessly.
After a while they finally let up, returning in the house while Samantha quickly left off the property.