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Imagine a world like that
Imagine a world like that
We go like up 'til I'm 'sleep on your chest
Love how my face fits so good in your neck
Why can't you imagine a world like that?
Imagine a world
imagine|Ariana Grande

It's been two weeks since Lucas and I had that talk with my dad, also two weeks since I last talked to Lucas. He had like completely ghosted me. When I would go over to the house, he wouldn't answer the door and he would tell Kayla to tell me that he was sleeping. Of course she told me the truth.

I started to feel as if my dad had been right about Lucas not being able to be my boyfriend. I mean we were friends before all of this, and he just completely played me. Of course I was hurt because I thought that we were better than that, but I guess not.

"You know you're giving Monica all this money? I swear this is the only thing that you listen to now." Damia complained coming into the room.

"I need good sex and commitment." Jayceon sang terribly coming in behind her making me turn the music off.

"Oh my God guys. I've just been feeling what she has been preaching in these songs lately." I said waving them and their dramatics off.

"Sis is getting rich off of you. You've been feeling like this every since Lucas ghosted you. I told you to just pop up at the shop like a crazy baby momma and that'll get his attention." she shrugged sitting on the bed next to me.

"I don't do things like that." I shook my head.

"This is why I told you that you couldn't have a boyfriend. You should've been a good best friend and took what I was preaching to you." Jayceon said shaking his head looking like a disappointed father making me laugh out loud.

"You're sick. I can't take you serious at all. I really seen him in my future though. The way he told me how he felt. He just seem so genuine, now I feel like everything was just lies and it hurts me the most because I told him how I truly felt and he dissed me. Maybe I should turn crazy and pop up at the shop."

"DONT do that. Be yourself, he'll know he missed up and will come crawling back like the little ant that he is. And we kill ants around this part." Jayceon said in a girl voice.

"Well, Dill got an attitude." Kiyah said coming into my room flopping down on the bed with a sigh.

"It's always something with them. Y'all got them problematic relationships. Get y'all a Jayceon." Damia said boosting Jayceon's head up.

"I'm the shit, yeah I know. Come on bae, let's go eat and leave sad and sadder alone to be, sad." he said picking her up before leaving the room.

"Now, what's up with you and Dillyn?" I asked playing in her hair.

It was normal for my friends to come to me with their problems. Even if I had never been in that situation, I put myself in their shoes and helped them out. It always seem to work too. I don't have problem with giving advice, but I never went to them with my problems because I felt as if I was putting too much on them.

"He's mad because I don't want to have a baby yet. He keeps trying to move the baby age from 25 to 22. I'm not ready for a kid right now. He's not either and I don't know why he's trying to rush into having one so fast. I mean he's not the one that has to go through the bodily changes and shit. He doesn't have to go through the the labor and stuff and I do!" she huffed into the pillow and it was silent for a moment as I thought of a way to respond to that.

"Everything that you just expressed to me, express it to him." I started. "Because at the end of the day, that is your body going through all that and I understand where you're coming from when you say you're not ready for that, y'all are young and still have a life to live, not saying that a baby would stop your life, it would definitely slow you down. Just talk to him." I said and she nodded before passing me my phone that was ringing.

"Yes Kayla?" I answered

"I need you." she sniffed and I got up immediately.

"Where are you? Do I need to bring somebody with me? Are you hurt?" I asked throwing question after question putting on my shoes.

"I'm at home please come by yourself I'm not okay." was all she had to say before I was out the house without another word to anybody.
I don't even think that the car stopped fully before I got out running to the door banging on it, hearing my friend cry over the phone worried me. The door flew open and Lucas looked at me with a mug on his face. "What you beating on my door like that for-"

Putting my hand up, I cut his sentence short going into the house. I didn't come here for him so I didn't need to hear him. Going into Kayla's room I closed the door behind me locking the door to make sure the Ghost didn't come in.

"What's wrong baby?" I asked slipping my shoes off before getting in the bed with her pulling her into a hug.

She turned the music up to ensure that Lucas couldn't hear if he was easedropping. "I'm pregnant." she said and I gasped in shock. I didn't even know that she had a boyfriend let alone know that she was having sex.

"That's, that's good. Congratulations." I smiled small. "Who's the dad?"

"Best friend, when I tell this can you promise not to tell Lucas, or Dillyn? Matter of fact, don't tell anyone, please." she pleaded and I nodded sealing the promise that I would soon have to break.

"Tito." she said barely above a whisper. If I wasn't as close as I was to her, I wouldn't have heard her.

"What do you mean Tito?" I asked.

Tito is her mom's husband. I never really spoke to him because he didn't speak to me. He was the rude kind and if he wanted to be that way, I would be that way towards him.

"He's been raping me since I was 15. I didn't tell anyone that because he said if I told, it would only be worse for me. After you left the house that night, my mom had to work the night shift and he came back that night. He tried to have sex with me and I told him that I was pregnant, after I showed him the proof, he tried to tell me to get an abortion and I told him no." she paused a minute and I wiped her face off for her. "Then he choked me until I couldn't breathe. When he finally let me, I came home and called you right away."

I pulled away from her looking at the bruise on my neck that was really visible and I couldn't help but to cry with her. She had been going through this alone for three years and I couldn't do anything to help her because I didn't know anything about it.

I stayed with her the rest of the night making sure to hold her close. I made sure ti let her know that I had her back forever and I would be with her every step of the way. Tito was doing to pay for what he did. Painfully too. I promised that with my soul.

Deeply In Love. (LucasColy) |Revamped|✔️Where stories live. Discover now