Hollup!!! Wt I'm I even typing
Forget it
But I still have to write something down
It's all about feelings and emotions
Huh!! Wt feelings and emotions I'm i even taking about
Well forget!!!
Let's talk about what young people in the 21st century talk or say what love is
Let's see👀:Love❤️love❤️love❤️
Oh love
It's just a word
Not just a word
A word with no beneficial meaning to youthful ones
What is even love
For some people saying I love u is just something to get a wayNah love is boring
Let's just talk about a mixture of everythingThey wake up
Thinking about what they would do today
Every party
Every outing
Every occasion
No matter what
They would always be there
Do theirs parents know?
Sometimes they use lies
Lies that are unimaginable
Lies u wouldn't want to hear the truth if u were going to be told
They get out
Have fun
Not the type of fun we would think or describe to ourselves
This type of fun is different
Way different
It's fun that involves many things like;
The fun with loud uncontainable music
Music at the highest level
Music which could damage your ears
It could make your ears bleed
Not just normal bleeding
But an overflowing bleeding of thick blood
Thicker than any liquid
Also you would feel the heat
The heat in the atmosphere like u re close to the sun
Not even close to the sun
But in hell
The hottest place you can ever think off
You would smell the scent of sweat
In the most disgusting way
The worst part is
U could only smell this scent after everything
After everybody has walked out
And is left with only you
Only you to pack and clean up
Only you to say to yourself what a mess
But before we go to the end
Let's take a look at the actual fun that happens
That is
The movement of the bodies
Movement u would never see outdoors
Movement that causes your head to spin
Spinning round and round
But if u are the one doing the movements
Nothing will happen to u
U just keep concentrating and do your thing
But trust me after all the movements u did
Your head will spin with the full speed at 100
No matter what it will hit u like karma
I know why I'm saying this
Not because I've heard of it
It's because I've been through it
And I've watched people experience it too
It's not something u wld like to do
If u want to do it go on
But wait!!!
Don't do it because of pressure
Don't do it because other people are doing it
Don't do it to get people to like you
Don't do it in order to get known
Do it because you want to
You have to
From the sweat
The hardwork
All the efforts
u won't ever regret those moments
The moments that felt like paradise
hold on!!!
Nothing feels like paradise at the moment
So that makes you feel delightful
I'm not sure
Well I guess, anything at all
Trust me
If u do it and it gets known
Too known
That it exposes you in a bad way
A way that people can use to harm you
You would be in deep trouble
I'm sure
Even u wld get trouble with the president
Anyways if u re reading this
U can think what u think I was describing
It's a mixture of certain different things
But I would like u to decide for yourself
Short StoryMemories We all have memories Memories we can't forget But some memories have to be put down Not only put down But exposed to the world For other people to understand things that happen in today's world These memories could be sad Happy Exciting Lo...