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I hope you all having a great time reading
Read on
Cause there's more to come


At the moment
I'm listening to Secret Love by Little Mix feat Jason Durelo
Things are popping through mind
I'll just have to let you know

This chapter is about a friend
I promised myself
I promised not to grow too close
Cause I know that if u did
When some of her pieces are broken
I would be affected and shattered

So in order to let my emotions out
I'll write
To share would all of you
When you are reading don't just read thinking about how I feel
Think about how you would feel
Or even how you would be like after hearing the news she's leaving the country
How would you feel like
Would you be brave to watch her go
Watch her leave
She's leaving
But you don't know when she'll be back
If she even comes back
Will she be the same person like you knew before
She could have changed
Either better or worst
You could never tell till she's come back
So let me begin
Just after hearing the news

After everything
After thing we experienced
After motivating me
After making me overcome some of my fears
After helping me
After making me understand things better
After showing me stuff
Stuff like no other
Stuff you keep to yourself
Stuff you don't easily expose
Well u can't call it stuff
We call it emotions
U always write your emotions down
After all
After all the things we did
After all the things we watched
After all the things we talked about
After all this while!!!
Now is the time she's leaving
When would meet again
Would she even remember me
Will she forget every memory
I was broken
Torn apart
That upon all the times in the world
She chose to leave me now
Leaving me
All alone
Now who would I call when I need help
Not just help
But specific help
I love you so much
Pls don't forget me
Let's stay in touch with each other


Do my readers
After you have finished reading this
Just imagine
What if you were the person
They forget about you
They insulted you
They embarrassed you on social media
They tell you they never loved you
What will you do?
How would you feel?
Would you regret ever bring friends with that person?
Or you wold just forget?

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