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All bad
It's just so bad
Knowing that you won't be there anymore
Knowing that everything would be different without you

It's just began
It just started
All just when
When we decide to sacrifice a little baby to the tormented witch

It was like a nightmare
I nightmare I never woke up from

Your sister kept on saying the story over and over
I thought I was still dreaming
It was just so messed up
I felt different  

Here goes the story

The goblin
The demon
The witch

The first stole someone's baby at the Willow street
Al because of you
Just because you did something terrible
Something horrible to the witches son on Halloween
You stole her baby and ate the intestines

Because of this dreadful thing
Everywhere event

Because of what you dd the good and kind witch changed
She changed to a disgusting horrible goblin
She takes every baby boy that comes into Willow street and steal them
After that she eats them up and swallow their soul

Your sister went on and on with the story
It frightened me
Especially when she got to the part
How the goblin nails was in our stomach
How the goblin ripped  our body apart
With blood gashing out
And the goblin eating our intestines

So  I decided  to go check on my baby brother
I heard my baby brother's cry as I went up the stairs
So I quickened my pace
By the time I got there
He was gone
I don't know how
But he just wasn't in the baby cot

I went outside to come ant tell you guys but
You weren't there
You were there but your bodies where missing
It was only your heads laying flat on the floor
I didn't know what was happening
I screamed for help
Help! Help! Help!
No one came

I decided then
Since I'm left alone let me just go back inside and lock the doors
But guess what
I just almost collapsed
I almost passed out

I'm i dreaming
Just so your heads  outside
Now I've enter the house
I see u guys holding my baby brother
Then you all shout


This was my worst and best Halloween ever
I never want to have this experience again
If I do
Wish I wish never to happen
Someone should please do to call an ambulance before
I get a heart attack

You guys are the worst and most amazing friends ever
I love you guys
You always seem to make my day
You are the best

But readers
You know what

This was all a dream
I nightmare I just woke up from

It's sad right😶😐😕

I thought it was actually true

I guess things just seem different

And do you also know what
When I woke up
I was laying in a hospital bed

This dream
This nightmare
This..........whatever I'm living in

It all just has to stop

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