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She died

The day she died
You knew she won't come back
You knew that was the end for you
At least you should have died together
You now regret it
You regret every second
Every minute and
Every hour of your life

Are you even ready
Knowing that people would finally get to know
They would finally get to know that you told lies
They would finally get to know and want the truth
Would they every trust you again
Would they even want to hear you out
Would they even think that what you are saying it's true
But you still want to say it

Are you even prepared
Prepared to see their reactions
Their feelings
Their mood
Their emotion
Knowing that every word you said was a lie just to get away with something
So let's see how people would judge
Not judge but what they would say to you

So my dear readers
After reading this and as I'm now going to type the truth
Read and analyze and it and see what you will do

So here it goes:

It all began
She said she would go with me on the trip
After begging and pleading
I was so glad she agreed
When we reached our destination
She turned the speakers on playing blasting music
I decide to go to the bathroom to pick the call from my dad
The apartment was so cool that from the bathroom you could see where she was

Then suddenly
Five giant men stormed in and started beating her up
I got out of the bathroom to save her
But before I could even do that
One caught hold of me

They carried me to where she was and let us stand facing each other
They gave her the option
Either she kills me or herself
I told her to kill me rather
Cause if I die it won't make a difference cause my whole family is dead
She was inches away from stabbing the dagger into me with shivering hands
Then within seconds of blinking my eye
She was found lying dead with the dagger in her chest and another dagger in my hand

When I looked around
There was nothing like any giant men around
That's when I realized we were playing Pokemon
With the Pokemon glasses
It was a mistake I didn't mean to
It was all my imagination
I'm truly sorry.

After hearing you out
A minute doesn't even pass by
Then they start laughing
In your head you are asking yourself;
Do these people think what I just said was funny
Aren't they hurt
They should probably take a dagger to and kill me
Why on earth would they be laughing after the dreadful thing I just said
I think these people are crazy
The seek mental care

Then that's when you see her
The person you thought was dead
Comes out if the crowd and hugs you
You slap yourself to see whether it's real
And it actually is

Then the all shout HAPPY APRIL FOOL
Meaning all this while
They knew your plans
They set this all up to see if you would ever say the truth
You even see the five giant men
You think to yourself
This is the best
The worst
The most  horrible
The unforgettable
The most unthinkable
The most unimaginable
With which you would never forget

So my readers
If this was you
What will you do
Is a lot to think about
Remember scan
And then analyze and write down what you think

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