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It's  coming back
It's coming near
Everything is playing again
There has been a flash back
I can't stop it
I want it to stop
I want to stop thinking about it
I keep remembering
I remember everything

Every word
Every message
Every call
Every voicemail
Ever picture
It was always
It will always
Always and always be a lie
A lie I can never forget
After what I did for you
After what I gave you
Everything suddenly came to an end
You started drifting away

I missed you
I missed the phone calls
I missed the text messages
I missed the pictures
Most of all
I dearly missed you

I couldn't believe it
Now we don't hear from each other
We don't talk anymore
Not like we use to
It hurts to know

To know that after all
After every thing
It came to an end
I just can't  believe it
I promised to play along with your game
In order to fool you
Unfortunately, I feel in your traps
Traps which I should have escaped from
I was held up in it
It's as if I was locked in a cell
For you to pamper me
Only with your words
I needed to get out
But I couldn't
I wonder why
I now regret it
Why did we even start this
When it started
I could have put it to an end
Even if I put it to an end
Who would I get to talk to
Who would entertain me in the night

At that time it was only you to talk to
Only you and just you
I always waited for you
Waited for you to come online so we could chat
Now I miss all this
There's no one else
I shouldn't have only concentrated on you

I have already be fooled
Fooled by the shadows that covered you
I hope the people following you now,
Don't fall into your dreadful traps
Or they would be hurt twice more than me
Even though you have hurt me a lot
I still love you, no matter how much the hurt was
I wish the best for you
And I hope you succeed in the career you are building up now

Please change for the better
Cause trust me
It would help you if you change
Live life to the fullest
And enjoy yourself
But please don't hurt any more people
It's enough
And enough is enough pls
No one wants trouble

I don't care if you're going to tell everyone
About what I have done to you
But please
Just don't forget to tell them
About what you did to me

No matter how much it hurts
One day people would have to know
A lots of questions would be asked
By that time
I'm sure I'll have the courage to answer all
Now what I have to think how I would answe
What I would do
How I would solve this situation
This memory
This!! Just everything
I need help
Who would I get help from
I just don't know what to say again
So I guess for now
I'll just have to end here

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