Another Snobby Brat

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"How do you cry every time you see me, Tamaki?" A girl asks Tamaki.

"Because the fountain is overflowing every time I look at you." Tamaki answers and the girls squeal and I roll my eyes.

"He's not even crying, what the f***?" 

James then walks next to me, putting his arm around my shoulders, putting his weight against me.

"What's up with you?" James asks me. "You're not entertaining anyone today." James asks then I shrug my shoulders.

"I feel naked in this. And I didn't sleep last night." I answer then James chuckles then put his face next to my ear, I was wearing a black and white kimono while James was wearing a red and purple one.

"Wanna sleep with me tonight, Celia?" James asks me then I turn a bright red and cover my face.

"James!" I exclaim then he caresses my cheek then he wraps his arm around my waist then him and I look into each other's eyes.

"AH!! THEY'RE SO COMPATIBLE!" A girl squeals and I look at James and sigh.

"You're just doing this because of the customers, right?" I ask and James shushes me.

"You know me too well." James whispers back then he was pushed aside.

"Don't speak to my little Celia like that, pervert!" Tamaki exclaims as a tear rolls down his cheek.

"Are those tears fake?" I ask Tamaki then he gasps.

"Never! My tears are always genuine!" Tamaki answers. "Why, do you like them, Celia? Have you fallen for me yet?" He asks and I bust out laughing.

"In your dreams, pretty boy!" I answer as I fall to the ground laughing then out the corner of my eye, seeing a girl there, then I stand up and fix my hair and look at her.

"Oh~? Seems as we have a guest." Hikaru and Kaoru announce in unison as James walks over to me after he flicks Tamaki on the head.

"We have another person to entertain, huh?" James asks then I nod.

"Miss, won't you like to---" Hikaru starts to say.

"---join us, if you may?" Kaoru finishes then Tamaki walks over.

"Hikaru, Kaoru, what did I say about seeing our first-time guests?" Tamaki asks the twins then he stands in front of the girl. "Welcome, miss. I am the prince of this club. You may come in, if you like." Tamaki greets as he put his pointer finger under the girl's chin then she slaps him.

"No! Don't touch me! You're phony!" She shouts then he backs away in shock as all of our eyes widen.

"'Phony'?! What do you mean I'm phony?" Tamaki asks in surprise and she points to him.

"Just what I said, you're phony! I find it hard to believe that someone like you is the prince character of the host club!" The girl shouts then I cross my arms.

"She's sure as hell a brat." I thought.

"You shouldn't go spreading your love around so easily like that, you stupid! You must be a dim-witted narcissist! You're incompetent! You're a commoner! You're disgusting!" The girl shouts and Tamaki dramatically falls over as I sigh and catch him with my left arm and help him slow down his fall.

"Listen, brat, you need to watch who're messing with----" I start saying then James covers my mouth.

"Don't make this situation any worse, dumbass." James whispers and I growl.

"I don't suppose you are---" Kyoya says then the girl looks at him with love.

"It's you, Kyoya!" She shout then she jumps on Tamaki and hugs Kyoya. "My one and only prince charming!" She exclaims then I walk over to her and rip her off of Kyoya.

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