A Bloody Date

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"What?! Why are you going on another date with that dingle hopper freak?!" James asks me as I curl my hair.

"To give him another chance." I answer then I look over my shoulder at him. "Why do you care anyways?" I ask James and he scoffs.

"Because that asshole raped you, that's why! I don't want that to happen to you again!" James answers then I get up and walk downstairs into the living room. 

Where all of the host club members were and my sisters.

"You look nice, Celia." Kaoru compliments then I smile at him.

"Thank you, Kaoru. Finally, someone actually compliments me." I comment then I walked over to the couches and sit in between Tamaki and Mori. 

I then cross my legs and pull my phone out of my purse, seeing that Blaze had texted me.

"I'm about 15 minutes away" He texts then I put my phone away and James walks into the kitchen and I heard TJ and Thea arguing about something in Greek again.

"Γιατί την αφήνεις ακόμη και αυτή την ημερομηνία?! (Why are you even letting her go on this date?!)" Aunt Thea yells, loudly. "Πήρα την επιμέλεια των παιδιών της Miracle και της Haru, θα έπρεπε να της πεις ότι δεν μπορεί να πάει γαμημένο! (You took custody of Miracle and Haru's kids, you should be telling her that she can't f****** go!)" Thea shouts at TJ and I sigh.

"What are they saying in there?" Tamaki asks me and I shake my head.

"They're arguing about me going on a date with Blaze." I answer. "You guys don't care, do you?" I ask them and they shrug their shoulders.

"We don't care if you go with him, it's just that he did rape you, Celia, that's all we're worried about, is if he'll do it again." Tamaki answers then I glare at him.

"So, you don't want me to go?" I ask him and he shrugs his shoulders.

"What we're trying to say is, is that we're worried about what'll happen with you if you do go on this date. It's our job as your friends to be worried about you and protect you." Tamaki answers then my phone goes off again, then pull it out of my purse and look at Blaze's text.

"I'm here" He says then I stand up.

"I'm going!" I shout then I walk out of my house and to Blaze's black Challenger.


"You remember this place, Celia?" Blaze asks me then I nod.

"Yeah. This was when you first asked me to be your girlfriend." I answer and he smiles as I look over the bridge as Blaze wraps his arm around my waist and leans over the bridge with me.

I was wearing a black tank top crop top with spaghetti straps and a zipper down the middle, dark denim jeans, white vans, and my hair in a ponytail.

"Yeah, it is." He agrees then I push his arm off of my waist and the way he looked at the sunset didn't change.

"I've always loved this place." Blaze tells me. "Do you know why?" He asks then I shake my head as I look at him.

"No, I don't know or I don't remember." I answer then he scoffs.

"Of course, you wouldn't. That was two years ago, but you remember me asking you out for the first time." Blaze comments then I bite the inside of my cheek, getting an aggressive vibe from him.

"Maybe, I should've listened to Tamaki and not go on this date with Blaze. He seems angry or bothered about something."

Blaze then takes out a cigarette, lighting it. He puts the cigarette to his mouth and breathes in some smoke then he blows out some big clouds of it.

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