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~~~~James' POV~~~~

So, we all know the story of how Celia and I met and/or how we are best friends. But there is some kind of fairy tale behind all of this. It's no "love at first sight" trash or "prince and princess" garbage either. It's the kind of garbage that no one would really expect. The "won't admit his feelings" kind of garbage.

"Alright, class. We will be receiving a new student this morning and he came here all the way from Greece. I know this is unexpected since it is very early in the school year, but he just moved here two nights ago and doesn't know much about English. So, let us allow him to introduce himself." Mrs. Greyson introduces then she looks at me then everyone turns around and looks back at me. 

Yup, that was me. I was such a small handsome bean, what happened? I had messy brown hair, dark grey eyes, fair skin, a black muscle shirt, a jean jacket, kaki shorts, black socks, white vans, bandages around my forearms, a cross around my neck, and two earrings on my left ear, and three earrings on my right ear.

"James, please, introduce yourself." Mrs. Greyson requests then I clear my throat.

"Ωμ, εντάξει. Είμαι ο James Annos, έζησα στην Ελλάδα για σχεδόν ενάμισι χρόνια της ζωής μου. Μετακόμισα εκεί όταν ήμουν δύο και έζησα εκεί πολιτισμό. Έπαιξα αθλήματα όπως χόκεϊ, λακρός, ποδόσφαιρο και λακρός. Ελπίζω να τα πάμε καλά." I introduce in Greek then everyone looks around the room at each other and Mrs. Greyson was there in silence.

"I-I'm sorry, sweetie. But we couldn't quite understand what you said." Mrs. Greyson mentions. "Does anyone here know Greek?" She asks then I slouch down in my desk and put my head down as my cheeks turn red.

"I do, Mrs. Greyson!" The girl in front of me answers then I look up, seeing her. "He said, 'I am James Annos, I lived in Greece for almost ten and a half years of my life. I moved there when I was two and lived in there culture. I played sports like hockey, lacrosse, football, and lacrosse. I hope we can get along well.' " She answers then Mrs. Greyson nods her head.

"Thank you, Celia. James, you are lucky that someone here knows Greek, or else we wouldn't know much about you." Mrs. Greyson replies then everyone starts laughing then I scoff and look out the window.

"Γεια. (Hey)" The girl in front of me calls out then I look up and look at her. 

She had snow white curly hair, violet purple eyes, pale skin, wearing a black and white t-shirt with the number 86 on it, maroon colored jeans, a black sports jacket, black vans, glasses, a light grey beanie, eyeliner, mascara, smoky eye shadow, foundation, cover up, and dark maroon liquid lipstick.

"Μην τους ακούτε. Ένα μάτσο παιδιά εδώ είναι μαλάκες. Και δεν γελούσαν όλοι, οι δίδυμες αδερφές μου δεν το έκαναν. (Don't listen to them. A bunch of the kids in here are assholes. And not everyone laughed, my twin sisters didn't)" The girl in front of me tells me then I scoff again.

"Ναι σίγουρα. (yeah, sure)" I respond. "Ψεύεις απλώς για να με κοροϊδεύεις, έτσι δεν είναι? (You're lying just so you can make fun of me as well, aren't you?)" I ask her then she shakes her head.

"Όχι, ποτέ δεν θα. Ξέρω πώς είναι να γελάς από αυτούς τους ανθρώπους. (No, I would never. I know what it's like to be laughed at by these kind of people)" She answers then I chuckle and look at her. 

Then she laughs then put her arms on my desk and set her head on top of her hands as she smiles at me.

"Παρεμπιπτόντως, είμαι η Celia Yoshida. Είναι ωραίο να συναντάς κάποιον που είναι τουλάχιστον καλός σε αυτήν την τάξη. (By the way, I'm Celia Yoshida. It's nice to meet someone who's at least nice in this class)" She introduces then my heart starts to pound so quickly that my muscles could barely keep up. 

She then rips a small piece of notebook paper from her notebook and starts to write on it. She then set her pencil down and hands the paper to me then the bell rings. She then got up and left the room with two other girls. One of them had straight black hair, purple eyes, fair skin, a white t-shirt, black suspenders, a black leather skirt, black sandals, and very little makeup. Then another girl next to them with wavy black hair, black eyes, fair skin, wearing a grey sweatshirt, peach colored jeans, light grey converse, glasses, and no makeup at all.

"Υποθέτω ότι είναι αδελφές της. (I'm guessing those are her sisters)" I mutter then I stand up and go to my next class.


"Μαμά, είμαι σπίτι! (Mom, I'm home!)" I yell up the stairs then I walk up the stairs into my bedroom and sit on my bed. 

I haven't looked at the note Celia gave me, but that's the only thing that's been on my mind, lately. But, I'm just glad that I didn't have to give any other introductions in any other class, or else I would be completely screwed. I then open the folded up note Celia give me and read it.

"Αυτός είναι ο αριθμός τηλεφώνου μου. Στείλτε μου μήνυμα και μπορούμε να δούμε πότε μπορώ να σας βοηθήσω να μάθετε Αγγλικά - Celia (Here's my phone number. Text me and we can see when I can help you learn English- Celia)" She wrote down then I look through my backpack and find my phone and put her in as a new contact and put in her phone number. 

Next thing I knew, her and I became better friends.

So, there you go! After a while, Celia and I became best friends after her and I worked on a project together. Then when I left, she never wanted to see me again because she was so angry at me. Now, she's happy I'm around again, but the only person I don't like having around is one person who's starting to win her heart over. Is Tamaki fucking Suoh.

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