Even More Threatening

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"Let's play 'Which one is Hikaru' game!" The twins announce as I walk into the club room with bandages around my left wrist.

"Celia!" James calls out as I look at him as he impacted into me, wrapping his arms around my neck, holding me close to him. "I missed you~." He tells me then I smile and hug him back.

"You're doing this to entertain, aren't you?" I ask him and he chuckles.

"You know me too well, Celia." James whispers then Tamaki pushes him over, standing in front of me.

"Did you self-harm again?!" Tamaki asks me and I shake my head.

"I got surgery on my arm. And if I did cut myself, I would already be dead." I answer then Tamaki wraps me up in his arms, pressing my face into his chest. "TAMAKI, YOU'RE GOING TO KILL ME!!!" I yell then Hikaru and Kaoru rip me away from Tamaki's arms.

"Don't hurt poor Celia, boss." Hikaru and Kaoru request as they rest their heads on my shoulders. 

I sigh as I launch my fists up and my fists hit them both square in the nose and they fall back.

"Celia, that was very unladylike!" Tamaki shouts then I shrug my shoulders.

"I may be a girl, but I sure as hell don't act like a lady." I respond then I walk away and sit down, looking out the window.

"Hey, Celia!" The twins call out then I look back at them. "We've got a favor to ask you." The twins request.

"What?" I ask.

"The next time we get a day off-" Hikaru mentions.

"-can we come over to your place to hangout?" Kaoru asks then I raise an eyebrow at them.

"Why would you want to come over to my house?" I ask them.

"'Cause we're curious to see where you live." The twins answer then I scoff.

"Hm...How about no." I answer, making them pout.

"Aw? Pretty please?" They ask.

"No." I answer.

"No matter how much we beg you?" They ask and I shake my head.

"No. All you guys are going to see is my aunt lecture me, my uncle hugging me nonstop, my other aunt and uncle not socializing, all of my cousins, all of my siblings, my dog will kill you two, and you'll see James." I explain then Tamaki rushes over to me.

"WHY DOES JAMES LIVE WITH YOU?!" Tamaki asks and I push him away.

"His parents are rude and annoying so he asked to live with me." I lie then James looks at me, giving me a thumbs up while I wink at him.

"I do want to see where you live and pay my respects to the Yoshida and Asahina family." Tamaki suggests then I tense up.

"Fuck off, Tamaki." I curse then I walk away and sit down.

"Let's play a game! Let's play the 'Which one if Hikaru' game!" The twins request then I look at them. "If you lose, we get to come over to your house later tonight." They challenge then they put on hats and shuffle themselves then stand in front of me. "Okay, which one of us is Hikaru?" They ask then I look at the closely and listen to their voices then I point to the left.

"You're Kaoru." I answer then I point to the right. "You're Hikaru." I answer.

"Uh-oh, you got it wrong---" They start to say.

"No, I didn't. Kaoru's voice is a bit more raspy and Hikaru's is more clear." I answer then I walk away.


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