Chapter 14: From my Eyes

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I sat comfortably in the rental car, across the street from the house. Man I couldn't wait. All of this contemplating and planning will finally come to life. My eyes watched the house like a hawk. I thought about going over to knock at the door and catch them by surprise, but I don't want to have done anything inside the house where the kids could be. I was already fucked up by the stares Antonio and Christian gave me the day of the party, I don't want anything to be worse than that. They will never look at me the same, maybe never even come near me again.

As I watched the house, the front door opened and out walked Diamond. She was on her phone so I doubt she noticed me parked across from the house. This was my cue. I exited the car, and made sure she heard the door slam close to grab her attention. Her head popped up and looked my way. She stopped dead in her tracks once she laid eyes on me.

Surprise surprise.

I enjoyed the terrified expression she had plastered on her face. We stared at each other for a good twenty seconds before she began to step forward. Is she starting to grow a pair? Or am I hallucinating this? In my head I laughed at how stupid she can be. She stopped herself about a cars' length away from me. Smart to not get too close.

"Anthony it's over." Diamond told.

I couldn't agree with those words. I just couldn't, because it's not over. And it won't be over until Patrick is dead.

"Whatever you came to do," she continued, "just walk away. Things shouldn't get any worse than what they already are."

What? Is she really trying to convince me to walk the fuck away? She has to be kidding me. Ain't nobody gon' just walk away from this bullshit. Wow, she on some knew type of courageous shit huh? Nothing that came from her mouth fazed me at all. Did she really think that saying one little line to me was gonna change my mind? She thought wrong.

"Where's Patrick?" I growled. Though I want to get her too, I wanted Patrick even more. He's my main target.

"Anthony just don't need to do what you came to do."

She's gonna have my patience level plummet real quick. "I'm not gonna ask you again!" I said, raising my voice. Diamond shook her head and grabbed something from her pocket. My eyes landed at what it was. The engagement ring I bought her. I locked my jaw, feeling even more pissed. I think I know what she's gonna do.

"I won't be needing this anymore." Diamond threw the ring to me but I stood still, letting it bounce off my chest and fall to the ground. I chuckled. This was just too amusing for me.

"Diamond, I think you almost forgot who you're dealing with. I'm not gonna repeat myself. If you think I wont hurt you, you're in for a rude awakening." She's making things even worse, she's giving me a stronger drive to do what I came to do.

All of a sudden, we began hearing police sirens. I glanced around searching for what direction they were coming from and where they were headed. The sirens grew louder and louder. Then suddenly two police cruisers raced down the street, stopping where we were. "Fuck."

I thought quick and hard. It was either I do what I came to do or I go down with cuffs on my wrists. I am a man of my word. If I came here for Patrick then that's what I'm gonna do, I'm not going down without doing so. I charged at Diamond and grabbed her. She screamed like the bitch she is. I pulled my gun from beneath my shirt and pointed at her head. This was the only way I can keep the police away from me.

Diamond sobbed uncontrollably which made me even more agitated. "Shut the fuck up Diamond!"

The police exited their vehicles and pointed their weapons toward us. "Put the weapon down now!"

"Fuck you!" I yelled, pressing my gun harder against Diamond's head.

"Please, don't do this." Diamond whispered to me. If anything she deserves this. All of the shit she's pulled and she wants to beg for mercy? Fuck that. "Diamond nobody has pity for you. Stop the fucking crying! I'm not going down without Patrick coming with me!"

It was like movie scene, because once I finished saying his name, Patrick came running out of the house like it was his cue. "Patrick no!"

Once my eyes landed on him it was like my mind went black. My eyes were locked on its target and nothing was gonna stop me from destroying it. The rage that's been locked inside me finally broken free. I threw Diamond away from me and pointed my gun at Patrick. His eyes grew wide, struck with fear.

Even though this didn't go as planned, I still managed to execute what I came to do. I squeeze the trigger three times, watching as Patrick fell to the porch. Not long after, I began to feel multiple burning sensations in my back. My life flashed before my eyes. I didn't want it to end this way. It shouldn't have. The last thing I saw before taking my last breath was Diamond staring down at me. This should have been her instead of me.


A few minutes after Diamond left, I walked into her mom's room. I wanted to work at her job and I wanted her as a reference. "Hey mom, I'm trying to work at your job and I need you down as a reference. Can you fill this out for me?" I asked.

"Sure, I'm gonna give you a heads up now that it's a lot of work. Sometimes it's difficult." She told, grabbing the paper from me. "And have you heard Diamond leave yet? I didn't hear the car."

"No, but I thought she left already."

She walked to the window and opened the blinds, peering down to see if Diamond was still here. "Oh my god, he's here."

"What?" I furrowed my eyebrows and walked over to see what she was talking about. Anthony stood in the street looking over to the porch. Diamond must have still been standing there.

"I'm calling the police."

I stood staring down at Anthony as Diamond's mom dialed 911 on her phone. I wonder what he came to do or who he planned to go after. I promised Diamond that I won't let him hurt her, as soon as I see him move of an inch toward her, I'm going out there.

"They're going to be here shortly." Diamond's mom told as she peered back out of the window. "I hope he doesn't do anything to her, please lord."

After some time passed, we began to hear the police arriving. Then a couple cruisers came speeding down the street. Once they stopped where Anthony and Diamond were, I watched as Anthony ran and forcefully grabbed Diamond. I didn't even continue to watch, I just sprinted out of the room and down the stairs.

I heard Diamond's mom yell to me from upstairs but I didn't make out what she said. I swung the front door open and ran out onto the porch. Anthony's eyes locked onto me. I can see the heat in his eyes. He threw Diamond from his grasp causing her to hit her head on a car before falling to the ground.

He then pointed a gun at me. I didn't even see it from the window, how could I not think he'd still have it. I was so caught on protecting Diamond, I forgot how dangerous Anthony really was. By the time I could even gasp, it was too late.

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