Chapter 3

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The room was deadly quiet. Mirai stood leaning against a wall, looking at the window, a serious expression gracing his face. So Vegeta like. In the span of Ten minuets, Mirai had managed to not only escape the grip of his past mother, but had killed all of the joyous emotion in the room. Even Goku was looking down at the ground, frowning as he thought about everything he had been told. Gohan was in a state of shock really, sitting leaning against a couch. Gohan was staring at Trunks, fighting the urge to rush over and hug the solemn future Though it is of a world that no longer exists, he was a king.

Vegeta stood against the opposite wall of his future son. He was a mirror image of Mirai. Both stood with heads turned towards the window, thinking, both had their arms crossed across their chest, they were indeed father and son.

The silence was deafening. Everyone wanted to say something, to break the silence, but none wanted to speak up. A startlingly loud gurgle broke the silence. Goku looked down, flinching, and blushing. Gohan, Mirai and Bulma started to snicker, while Vegeta just rolled his eyes and sighed. Goku and Bulma left the room laughing, Vegeta fallowing the promise of food. Mirai was left to his thoughts, Gohan straggling back in the room.

Mirai shook his head chuckling softly, and then looked back out the window, his expression softening, growing sad, his eyes having betrayed the entire time his pain. Gohan walked over to Mirai, and looked at him. Mirai felt the eyes on him, and turned, looking at Gohan, trying to hid the pain behind a soft smile. Gohan simply frowned, stepping closer to his friend and crush.

Mirai looked away from Gohan, the smile fading, tears forming in his eyes. He had had to be so strong for most of his life, now it felt like there was nothing left to be strong for.

Gohan never said a word; he simply walked up behind Mirai, and wrapped his arms around the slightly shorter man's waist, and rested his head on Mirai's shoulder. Mirai placed his hands on Gohan's hand, and smiled softly, closing his eyes. They stood there, unheard and meaningful messages spread through the gentle sign of affection. Mirai had someone to be strong for, and Gohan had his crush.

Vegeta stood in the hallway, watching the pair, his emotionless mask plastered to his face, but like Mirai, his eyes betraying the mix of emotions that wracked his mind. Sighing, Vegeta hardened once more, and walked back into the kitchen. Bulma was about to ask Vegeta about Mirai, but seeing the look in his eyes she let it go. Bulma was really the only person who could read the emotions in Vegeta's eyes, and even then it was hard for her to tell what he was thinking some of the time. Vegeta sat at the head of the table, Goku sitting a few seats to his right.

Mirai and Gohan's moment was cut short, by the sound of bickering. They cracked up laughing at their fathers. Gohan released Mirai, after Mirai reluctantly released Gohan's hand that is. They both turned, and started for the kitchen. Before they left the living room, Gohan grabbed Mirai's arm, stopping him.

"Yes Gohan?" Mirai turned, looking at the younger, but taller demi-saiyan, smiling softly. There was something about Gohan that made him happy.

"Mirai....I was wondering...uh...can I call you Mir?" Gohan blushed slightly, having wanted to ask another question, but lost the nerve.

Mirai smiled softly, nodding at Gohan, linking fingers with him in a small sign of affection, having seen one of many meanings behind the question. "Sure Gohan...Only for you."

Gohan beamed, Mirai had accepted the pet name. It was for Gohan and Gohan only. Gohan saw what that meant, and squeezed Mirai's hand gently. Releasing each other's hands, they walked into the kitchen, and cracked up laughing as they sat beside their fathers, the two bickering like children. Gohan warned Mirai that this was common. And Mirai chuckled, making a "sibling rivalry" joke. Mirai was fast enough to duck, right as Vegeta's hand flew over his head, missing the backhand, barely. Mirai moved swiftly, so he was sitting beside Gohan, who was cracking up laughing. Mirai smiled nervously at his father, who was glaring daggers at him. Goku was laughing as well, and it earned him a glare and a kick from Vegeta. Bulma simply sighed. This was going to be a long lunch.

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