Chapter 12

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Goku's body was flung into the remainder of a wall, Goku rolling slightly as he landed on the ground with a grunt, surrounded with rubble. Pushing himself up onto his knees, Goku's eyes widened as he stared at the extremely pissed fist of Vegeta's flew close to his face, stopping at a mere breath, the softest word from Mirai.


Looking back at Mirai, Vegeta landed on his feet, glaring down at Goku. "He deserves this..."

"No...He's right...Gohan is young...he still needs time to find the person he really loves...I was just a fling..."

Vegeta's fist knocked Goku back onto the ground as he started to stand. Goku stayed on the ground, actually fearful of Vegeta for the fist time since they had meet, and almost was killed by the older Saiyan's transformed state. Mirai seemed so calm as he spoke, but the pain on his voice was so thick, it brought a tear even to Goku's eyes. Maybe this was a mistake. Maybe he shouldn't have broken them apart like that. They really loved each other...he had ruined their lives now.

Vegeta watched Mirai, who was trying so hard to be strong, tears falling to the ground, the sound of the drops ringing into the emptiness. It was actually hurting to see his son in this state, and his painful voice was nearly too much to bare.

"Do you really believe that Mirai?"

"...I don't know what to believe in anymore...except it's true...I am alone..."

Mirai walked slowly out of the HBTC, his head lowered, having left his jacket and sword behind. Vegeta didn't think much about the items, preoccupied with smashing Goku's face with his fist. Having powered to Super Saiyan, Vegeta waited until Mirai was out of the HTBC, before he started to assault Goku, breaking bones and splattering the floor with his blood. Panting, having warn his anger down to the point the didn't feel like killing Goku at the moment anymore. Vegeta walked back to the haven, exiting the high gravity, leaving the panting and hurting Goku there. Starting to exit out of the HTBC, he froze, looking at the sword and jacket. He walked over and picked them up, thinking rationally once more.

He left his sword and jacket?...He never leaves these anywhere...Oh shit.

Vegeta ran out of the building, making his way past the stunned piccolo and Mr. Popo. Running outside, to the edge of the lookout, he looked around, trying to feel Mirai's power level.

"You won't find him Vegeta..."

Vegeta turned, looking at the saddened Dende. "Where is he?!?"

"You shouldn't have hurt Goku like that-"

Dende was cut off as Vegeta powered up to super Saiyan. His eyes were dark and dangerous. He started at the guardian, stepping towards him. "Where is he?"

Dende shook his head, looking out over the edge. "I can't tell you...he needs to be alone. He left his sword so he won't hurt himself..."

Vegeta sighed, shaking his head, looking down at the earth. "Yes he can, and yes he will...he'll hurt himself any way he can to make the pain in his heart go away."

Dende looked at Vegeta, the Saiyan prince was really worried about Mirai. Mirai had left everything he loved behind, and was now gone, he had reason to worry. Vegeta left without another word, flying back towards Capsule Corp, where an irate Bulma waited for the news that would make everyone in the building sad and worried until only Kami knew when.

Goku managed to make his way out of the HTBC, Dende healing him of his worst injuries, but leaving him with most of the more painful but less dangerous. Both Dende and Goku looked over the edge of the lookout, down at the earth.

"...I screwed up..."


"Will...will he hurt himself?"

"Which one?"


"No more than he is already hurt."

"...What about Mirai?"

"I don't know."

Goku turned to Dende, staring, slightly pail. "What do you mean you don't know?"

"I can't know everything Goku...but I do know you hurt him...and he won't make it any better anytime soon."

"...I have to find him...where is he?"

"I can't say..."

"Why not?"

"I promised, if he gets in trouble, I'll tell you as much as I can."

Goku sighed as he flew down towards the earth, his right arm still broken, and he thought it was better that he not surprise Gohan. As both Saiyan's returned to their homes, both faced their families. Tears and anger ranged out from both houses, neither Mirai or Gohan present at either house

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