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no idea why i ended the last chapter like that rip im apparently winging this whole book


You know how people say when you're in a coma, or near death, you can see your body?  Those 'I survived and I saw Heaven" stories that no one ever believes?  It's scarier than they make it out to be.  The needles and tubes that are stuck in all different parts of your body, the cuts and bruises that look so bad you almost can't look at them in general, the doctors working on you at such a fast and panicked speed that you fear they will ruin any chance of you waking up.  When you jump off a bridge, you plan to die, but when you survive, you want nothing more than to live.

The operations are terrifying, I always hated the hospital.  Now I know I said I want to live, but I wish whoever saved me wouldn't have.

My operation takes a total of two hours before they place me lifeless body in the ICU.  Luke sits in the waiting room set aside for family and close friends, wearing sweatpants and a tee shirt, a beanie and sunglasses.  I'm glad he hasn't been killed yet.

That's when a lady walks in.  He stands up and backs away, his eyes glowing bright blue.  "Mother-"

"Drop the act, 2957294, there is no need to keep up your little act." she scoffs.

"0958637, I did not try to let her-"

"I am not stupid, 2957294, I saw everything.  I came here to kill you, but I see you have a bit of a problem."

"Shut up." he growls, his face turns a little red.

She laughs and spits in his face.  "Your mission was to protect the girl, but now she is dead.  You were going to die for telling her about you, but now, I am going to let you live.  You will live as a prisoner, and you will be tortured with the guilt of knowing that you killed her, but you will live."

"I am not going with you."

"You are." she insists.

He slowly opens up his hands, which were balled into fists, and then quickly faces his palm toward her, shooting out a beam of light, causing the woman to burst into flames.  She screams and tries to put it out, but she and the flames disappear into thin air after about five seconds.

What on earth did I just watch.


"Sage, I know you tried to kill yourself for me." I hear Luke say softly.  I can't open my eyes.  "You cannot scare me like that sweetheart, you almost gave me a heart attack.  I do not know if you are going to make it, but-"

I opened my eyes, that was the worst pain I have ever felt.

"Oh, crap," I groan.

"Oh, my goodness."  Luke presses the button connected to my hospital bed, causing a few nurses to run it.  "She is in pain."

They give me some medications and get Luke to fill out paperwork, I just lay there and wait for the headache to go away.  

"It looks like if everything goes well over the next few days, we will be able to release her."

"Okay, thank you very much.  May I stay with her a while longer?" Luke asks.

"Yes, visiting hours end in 30 minutes."

The nurse walks out and Luke stands next to me.  "Okay, we have to leave now, Sage." he says.  I just look at him, I'm scared that it will hurt to talk.  "I know what they said, but I have other things in mind, and so do other people.  We need to leave, now."

"Luke," my voice comes out scratchy.  "I need to stay here, it's not safe for me to leave in these conditions."

He nods and looks at me, his eyes glow again and I feel the pain in my body slowly fade away.

"There, you are better." he says, unhooking all of the stuff I'm hooked up to.  I stare at him and he laughs.  "What?  You obviously know I have these powers, there is no point in hiding them now."

He hands me  some clothes and turns around while I change, feeling no cuts, bruises, or broken bones.  

When I'm done, he turns back around and asks if I need anything.  I shake my head and we walk out, no one notices that I am the person they recently brought in after attempted suicide, so we make it out easily.  It is raining, so Luke instructs me  to stay under the roof while he drives his car up.  When I get in, I ask where we are going to go.

"I am not quite sure," he says quietly.

"I saw what you did."

"What do you mean?" he asks.

"When you were in the waiting room, I saw you kill her."

He slams on the brakes.  "How did you see that." 

"I don't know, I just did."


"What was going on?  What can you tell me?" I ask.

"Do not keep asking me that."

"Luke, I have a right to know, I almost killed myself for you."


"I did it to protect you-"


We both sit in silence for a while, by now he has pulled over to the side of the road.  He is scary when he is mad.  After we both calm down, he starts driving.  I speak up when we get to a stoplight.

"I don't get you."

He looks up at me, "Why not?"

"You're different..."

"You have no idea," he chuckles and his eyes turn from their normal shade of ocean blue to a neon blue, glowing as though a black light were shining upon them. The way they do a lot lately.

I can't imagine how horrified I look. "What are you?" I speak in nothing more than a whisper.

"Too difficult to explain."

"Where are you from?"

"You wouldn't believe me."

"TELL ME!" I sob.

He smiles an evil, yet perfect smile. "Let's just say... I'm out of your limit."

He slams on the gas as the light turns green.



hey yall ily you should recommend this to everyone or not its fine either way hahaha.

I'm in a slightly okay mood right now yay.

vote please!!


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