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As I walked down the stairs, it felt like hours. I wasn't allowed to run down sadly. The man would stop me if I started to speed up. Everyone who walked past me on the stairs stared at me till my back was too them. "It's because I'm new." I told myself. "Nothing to worry about." So I kept walking.

A side road broke off the stair case. The man took my hand and made me follow him. I didn't understand.

"You said we had to go to the city before anywhere else. So why are we going this way?" I had to ask the man.

"I didn't say any of that. You have to follow me though." The man sounded rushed so I did as I was told.

I looked behind me and could no longer see the stairs. "That's odd we just broke off the path." I thought. Then I noticed. It wasn't that the stairs were gone. The rocks on the sides began to close in as we passed them. I looked back in front of us. The path wasn't moving. "So it must be as we past them. But why do they have to close? And why are we in a rush. Was the path there when I first passed it on the steps?" The more I thought the more I realized, the path was only there when the man grabbed my hand.

"I SAW THIS IN A TV SHOW! YOU CAN EARTH BEND!" I was so proud of my discovery I began to skip.

"Sure think whatever you want" the man now sounded slightly annoyed. "Stop skipping and hurry!" Once again I did as I was told. Even though I didn't really want to.

The farther we went, the colder it felt. "Were we getting lower? No that's not possible the ground has to be the same level." I thought to myself trying to figure out this confusing place. Then he pushed me forward and I could no longer feel the ground under me. I was falling. He pushed me to a dark hole and I couldn't see the bottom.

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