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When we got to the library we were welcomed to a very happy and jumpy little kid. He had messy dark hair that seemed to shine. His skin was darker than mine, almost like... Jamaican? His eyes were dark dark brown. It made it look like the color in his eyes, almost, blended in with his pupils. Like dark holes. This fascinated me a lot.

"Hi, I'm Hope! Who are you?"

"Oh I'm Ben! I'm Sam's little brother. Right Jamie!" Ben said as he gave Jamie a big hug.

"Haha that's true. Hey Ben do you know where Sam is? We are kind of looking for him." Jamie said as he lost all shyness. He can be pretty cool when he's not always looking at the ground.

"He's in the animal section." Ben said and pointed to a bookshelf in the distant behind him.

As we started to walk over there I couldn't help but ask. "What's Ben's power?"

"Oh, he has the power of light. Some people are surprised because of his eyes and hair being really dark, but on some days his hair will glow to show it.

"Yea I saw that!" I added as we turned a corner to find a boy about Jamie's age sitting in a chair reading a book on seals.

"HEY JAMIE!" The boy yelled, ignoring the fact he's in a library. He had bright blue eyes and pale hair but his skin was tanner like Bens.

"Hush Sam! What's wrong with you?" Jamie said laughing.

"Wow... Jamie did you find a girl?! Little young for you don't ya think?" Sam asked jokingly. Making me blush a little.

"Haha you wish. She's another one Hendricks rescued. I'm just showing her around town. Wanna join?"

"What's her name?" Sam asked giving me a judging look and looking right into my eyes.

"Oh it's..."

"My name is Hope and I can talk for myself thank you very much." I interrupted Jamie, frustrated, and crossed my arms when I finished talking and gave my right foot a small stomp.

"And how old are you Hope?" Sam asked a little calmer.

"I am eight." Same frustrated voice and made my face look mean. This only caused Sam to laugh historically. I can act older. But when I'm mad... I have been told I act my age.

"Ok ok fine I'll go with you two." He turned to Jamie once he finished laughing at me, and Jamie slapped him. "What was that for?!"

"You made her upset." Jamie sounded serious.

"Ok ok it won't happen again. I'm promise." Sam looked sorry and looked at me and repeated "I'm sorry."

"Now where are we going next?" I looked at Jamie for an answer.

"Ummm, let's get Alex then we can see Hendricks for something to do."

"Something to do?" I asked

"Yup a small mission like go out and get food or he may just have us help build a building or find you a new family."

"Oh yeah, new family." I was sad once again. Sam didn't know why though and started freaking out.


"Sam calm until we get outside and we know it's not your fault don't worry." Jamie reassured Sam.

"It's nothing." I tried to brighten up and showed Sam a half pretend smile.

"Ok ok let's get out and find Alex." Sam added.

We walked for a little. There was everything a regular town would have. There were shops, pools, a main square, and even a government building for the mayor. As we walked I was amazed at everything. Finally, we stopped at a costume store.

"Alex it's Jamie!" Jamie called into the store from the doorway.

"Why do you have to do that?" I asked.

"I don't like going in there... It's too crowded." Jamie complained. Sam just walked in and I followed.

"Hey how are y'all?" She had a slight southern accent but maybe fifteen years old. She had red hair in one sloppy side braid. Tan skin with dark freckles dancing across her nose and cheeks. Her eyes were a light brown. No makeup needed and her face looked perfect. "Who's the new girl? Young one isn't she?"

"My name is Hope! Are you Alex?"

"Yup, that's me. What are y'all up too?" Alex asked.

"I think we are going to go see Hendricks to see what our job is for the day. Want to join?" Sam asked looking back at Jamie in the door. The shop sure was stuffed but so many cool costumes. Dress up would be fun in here.

"I sure would! Let's head out poor Jamie is left out." We all laughed at this remark. Then off we went to see what our mission for the day was.

"So what is everyone's power?" I was really curious especially because I didn't know mine yet.

"I can blend in with the shadows." Sam declared proudly.

"By that you mean you can become a shadow. You just have to have a figure in front of you." Jamie added.

"So why were you at the library out of anywhere?" I asked.

"My power isn't always that useful so I like to learn as much as I can, even if it means learning outside of school." Sam answered.

"I can change into anything as long as I can picture it in my head. My imagination is bad though so I can basically turn into what or who I see unless I know it really well." Alex said stopping Jamie and Sam's bickering.

"So that's why you were in the costume shop!" I was proud of my discovery.

"Sure is." Alex smiled at me. "What's yours?"

"I don't know." Disappointment taking over my voice.

"Hendricks just brought her here yesterday." Jamie told Alex.

"Well ya came to a mighty good place." Alex assured me. I nodded and kept walking.

After a while, we found Hendricks on a hilltop looking at an underground spring. Some fish were jumping and a few frogs were sitting on some rocks. Two kid were playing in the shallow and still water.

"HENDRICKS!" Sam called impatiently.

"HEY SAM, JAMIE, ALEX, AND HOPE! DO YOU GUYS NEED ANYTHING?" We didn't answer until we got close enough to talk normal.

"We were gonna to ask you the same thing." Alex claimed and we all nodded.

"Well do you guys want to go grab some fruit over by the stream on land for me? I was going to do it later but I have so much to plan today for Hope's welcome ceremony it would be easier if you four do it. Jamie you remember where the stream is right?" Hendricks asked Jamie.

"I sure do!"

"Wait, I have a welcome ceremony?" I was really confused.

"Yup. We will find you a new family to watch you and have freedom of the town but we have to get the townspeople to know you first." Hendricks explained.

"We will head out then." Sam said shoving us to the big staircase.

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