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When I woke up I found myself in a white room. Tiles cornering the floor and walls. I was sitting in a chair. I was tied down by my ankles and wrists. They even had a chain and ball tied around my right ankle.

"I don't know the point of a 20-pound ball tied to an eight-year-old girl, but hey, whatever makes you guys feel comfortable." I talked to an empty room.

To my left was a metal table and tray. Many tools were on it. The part that scared me the most was that some of them looked used. The door opened. The hall behind the woman walking in was darker. Something told me Sam was out there. I couldn't spot a single shadow in the room.

"You know where you are?" The woman asked.

"Nope, but I'm not scared. I know the truth now 'mother'. So what do you people want?" I smiled smugly ignoring the fact that this was the woman who I thought cared about me but I now know for sure that was a lie. "Did you always want my powers? Or did you actually care about me at one point long long ago?"

"Who needs love and care?" The woman laughed. "Now dear little Hope. You do realize what you put yourself into right?"

"Not a clue 'mother' or should I call you by your first name? Tiffany was it?" I was starting to get a little too cocky.

"Well Hope, I'm afraid we will have to remove your powers. Once we find your weak point it will be easy." Tiffany smiled right back at me.

"And how will you find my 'weak point'? I don't even know what my powers are yet."

"Oh why torture of course. That's the most fun with you 'special' children." Her evil smile showed now. Not the one with a slight kindness like before. This one made my heart skip a beat. "Is something wrong?"

"Nothing at all. Now why don't we get started I am kind of on a time crunch."

"Oh I'm sorry, whatever you have planned will have to be postponed. You may not recover for a few days. That is if we have to go to the hard stuff. You being so young I'm not sure if we will need it." She finished smiled then gave a whistle to someone outside the door. A short boy came in. I didn't pay too much attention to him though. I refused to break the stare down between Tiffany and I first.

Then I felt something sharp in my arm and my head began to feel hot. I saw Tiffany trying to tell me something but all I could hear was mumbles. I replied to whatever she said but my body did it on its own. My mind was trapped and my body was saying in response to whatever Tiffany was saying. My mind got hotter and hotter until I gave in and closed my eyes.

When my eyes opened again I was in the same room but laying down this time. The ball was off my ankle but I was still tied up. The lights were a little darker. Maybe they knew I would wake up with a headache. My head was no longer hot, just throbbing now. I couldn't feel my arms or legs. It felt like something was pulling them out for a long time. I looked around the room but didn't see anything that would stretch out my limbs.

"Unless..." I looked on the bed I was laying on. It was hard because they apparently tied my head down too. The bed I was laying on was the stretcher. My arms and legs were tied up to the machine and were being pulled. Any farther and I wouldn't feel them at all. Maybe never again.

Sure enough when I was just getting 'comfortable' Tiffany walks in.

"So you really don't know your powers. Or who your past self was. Or anything like that. How sad." Tiffany made a pretend frown. "Well looks like we have to do this the old fashion way."

"What's that?"

"Well let's just say if you had strength, it would be showing. So that takes one off the list." Tiffany looked at a clip board she brought with her and wrote something down. Then she whistled again. This time two strong men walked in. The brought a bucket of water with them. "How are you with breathing under water?"

"Can't you just draw my blood or something?" I was starting to get scared. I didn't want to... drown. Water and me have a past, and not a very good one.

"We could and we did. We couldn't find anything in it. So we have to do it the hard way. Oh yea if I remember correctly you don't like water very much do you? Well looks like something fun is finally about to happen."

"You're not going to actually do this are you?" Fear started to eat the inside of me. My stomach began to hurt.

"Ok enough messing around now. Get her head under." Tiffany snapped her fingers and the two men picked me up head first. I began kicking and screaming as much as I could to try and throw them off but it was no use. When I tried to get my breath back after screaming and kicking, all that was there was water.

I began to choke. They wouldn't let go of me though. I couldn't breathe. I tried to tell them I was drowning. I stopped moving thinking they may let me up. They didn't move. The water made my ears pop and it rushed in my nose. My eyes stung. Then I was out of the room. I was somewhere else.

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